Moved away from Mainstream (medicine)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I want to say a ton of things...but like DITTO I am keeping my mouth shut.

It kills me to do so....but for the good of the world here..HA HA


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
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South Central Michigan
MorelCabin said:

Long article but very informative
Did you know that autism in the early 80's was 1 in 10,000 2001 it was 1 in 500, oh and it gets better...2005 it was 1 in just 250 births. Today it is 1 in 150
One of the strongest links was a change in the vaccine programs
In 1976 children recieved 10 vaccines before attending school. Today they will recieve 36.

I gotta ask myself how many children suffered lifelong effects back in the seventies from diseases like chicken pox and measles...was it 1 in 150?
That article is about the dangers of thimerosal, which is indeed truly a nasty chemical. It has not been used in any vaccines except for a certain variety of special influenza vaccine (not the one they give to children) since the year 2000. It's horrible that that additive was used, but it's gone now.

I'm totally not sure about the whole autism thing, and it does seem like a big problem, and one that nobody knows the answer to. But if you actually refused all the things they think MIGHT cause the autism rise, you could never leave your house. Personally, I think the argument that as the rates have risen, so have the number of vaccines... seems rather vague. I mean, you could just as easily say that since 1976 we've all gotten personal computers so they're the problem. Or since 1976 homes now have microwave ovens. Or since 1976 acid rain has become a problem. Many things about the world have changed since 1976. Vaccines are one of those things.

And as far as the dangers of measles, I don't think we should pooh-pooh them. On the continent of Africa, since the measles vaccine was first introduced, annual measles deaths have fallen by 75 percent in just 5 years, from an estimated 506,000 to 126,000.

Aargh. Told you all I wouldn't get going, and now I'm going. Okay, really, I'm going to try and stop now. :/


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
That's ok I love a healthy both side things to ponder. If I had a baby born today i honestly don't know what side of the fence I would be on...I think I would just be extremely cautious about which vaccines I allow and I would be doing alot more research on each individual vaccine.

You're right there are other factors that could be causing the rise in autism...but no matter what, I can't agree that 36 vaccines in five years could be a healthy idea for anyone, especially a toddler.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
I think these decisions can be intuitive gut feelings. Then, we especially notice evidence that supports our gut feeling and discredit the rest. At least that's the way I work :D I try to stay open minded, but if I distrust a certain way of doing things I also distrust the information that comes from those people who are doing it.

Guess I'm just saying that some arguments may never be "won" because of how dearly we hold our lifeviews, whether it be religion, politics, medicine, or even family size ;)

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
40 years ago any child with a serious different behavior was almost always sent to a mental institution (or reform school if really poor) with whatever diagnosis (usually a version of it's the mother's fault) so no one really knows what the levels of autism was even a few years ago.
Somewhere in the early 1980's (I think- I can't remember exactly) the DISM which is a manual that the associations of doctors (including pscyhiatric doctors) revise periodically to give a diagnosis for insurance and benefits purposes was massively explanded to allow psychologists and psychiatrist to get paid more readily for their services than the old limited rules allowed. In otherwords, not many people could fit the standards of paranoid schizophrenic so a person with a mental issue that was not in the "list." couldn't get insurance reimbursement for their treatment. Now there are so many diagnoses, one to fit any situation for which a person might want treatment, that a doctor can fit them in there somewhere. Now these diagnoses really come and go like fads. One year there will be hundreds of schizophrenics but in two years they might be manic/depressive. Has nothing to do with their condition, just what the insurance is billed as. Or disability benefits paid or whatever service a person needs.
It's like the dramatic increase in chronic fatigue syndrome which is many times more common than a couple of decades ago- why? Because the term chronic fatigue syndrome didn't exist. Not because the problem didn't. Just the definition.
So statistics are very tricky items. Hard to get a handle on when you know the history- and people have real agendas and don't mind raising flags that support their beliefs without examining them too closely.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
:barnie I am going to have to never open this thread again or Ann will probably have to come after me.
Those that know me know why.

I will ask this though ? Would you rather take a chance with measles or autism?

Oh and by the way there is a department in the governement called Vaccine Court and they are quietly paying millions of dollars out to children harmed by the vaccines that were mandated.

If you have heard of the frist rider, then you know that it was attached to the homeland security act without anyone knowing. Its a rider that was to prevent parents from suing the pharmaceutical companies when their kids were harmed.
These same companies donated millions of dollars to various political campaigns.
They attached it to the homeland security act so that it would fly under the radar.
They got caught and now they are paying through the nose in vaccine court.
In fact a portion of every penny they make on their vaccines gets put into a fund to pay off these parents.

The pharmaceutical companies make $2.00 per vaccine.
One of the doctors who developed a vaccine and holds the patent on it is also on the board that makes the vaccine schedules, he campaigned successfully to get his vaccine added to the schedule.
No conflict of interest there.
A good book to read is Evidence Of Harm, by David Kirby.

Its the same old story when someone goes off about how there is no thimerisol in vaccines.
First of all thats inaccurate, secondly that is not the only issue here.
Do you know what is in vaccines?
For starters:
Aborted Fetal tissue
Monkey Kindeys
Monkey Brains
Sheep blood
Cow heart
Animal viruses
Pig blood
Rabbit brain
Guinea pig
Dog kindey
Just to name a few.
Oh and yes Mercury is still in some of the vaccines.
Line two on the insert of the dpt says thimerisol.
They claim its trace amounts.
I don't care, its not the point.
I don't understand how they can take a day old baby in the hospital and vaccinate them for hepatitis which they can't get until they are using drugs or having sex.
So then when they are a month or so old, they go in and get more shots.
Then every couple of months you take your infant into the doctors office to be vaccinated.
A nurse puts two vaccines in each thigh for a total of 4 vaccines and how many live viruses?
This goes on every couple of months and then by the time the kid goes to school they have been subjected oh I mean vaccinated with 24-36 live viruses and all those chemicals.
This is for an infant with an immature immune system that cannot possibly handle all these live viruses on top of the vaccines full of all the above listed ingredients and more, like mercury.
Do you realize that aluminum is a neurotoxin?
How can anyone say that they took thimerisol out so its okay to give them multiple vaccines.
If the new vaccine schedule is so great then how come this generation is so much worse in terms of disabilities and allergies, ashtma etc.
Is it because their immune systems took a beating?
I only had to have what 4 shots to get through school.
Why so much more now?
Is it because someone is making money off of it?
Did you know that all these boosters are unnecessary?
Why don't we all have to go get all these booster shots?
We never had all these vaccines and we all are living to tell about it, so why didn't we need all these boosters?

If you take your child to the doctor after getting even one round of shots and get their blood drawn for titre test you will find they have lifelong immunity already.
Test their titres every year, it won't change.
How come the rest of us were immune with only one shot but now the kids need 3 or 4 boosters?
Cha ching, Cha ching.

The only vaccination that does not offer lifelong immunity according to the medical establishement is the chicken pox vaccine.
So instead of allowing children to just get the chicken pox like they use to, they mandate a vaccine.
But then it wears off and if the preteen/ teenager doesn't get another one then they can get the chicken pox As An Adult.
Which is far worse than getting it as a kid.
That dumbfounds me.

I think before people go off on others about not vaccinating they should get all their facts.
The issue at hand is that the vaccine schedule is ridiculous at best.
A day old baby does not need a hepatitis shot, he needs to grow and thrive.
He needs to get his immune system up and running, not have it stunted as soon as he takes his first breath.
These shots may have its time and place.
IF they can clean them up. We worry about our keeping the oceans clean, the planet clean blah blah blah, what about keeping our vaccinations clean?
I think its ironic when people brag about how they feed their kids organically, and raise them in a "green" environment but will gladly hold them down while they are injected with proven neurotoxins.
Lets not cook with aluminum pots and pans but lets inject junior with aluminum.
Its not even realistic.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
THIS is gettin' good! :pop Anyone interested in reading the thread about Rendering Lard?

Anyone? :)

Just throwin' that out there.....ya' never know! :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Sooooooo fun-ny, Morel! :p

I can't help it tonight....I had a pretty good day and it was so beautiful here it made my eyes hurt and I can't shut down even though I'm really, really tired so I keep opening thread after thread hoping to find one so boring that I fall asleep anyway....and...I think I'm rattling on here, but I'm not sure, so just ignore me if I am and NO, I haven't had any caffeine, thank you! I'm just really, really excited to be here! :weee :weee :weee :weee :D

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