Will your loan convert to an interest and principle loan on its own after a certain amount of time?
I seen interest rates were down below 4% and I thought about maybe refinancing but once I did the math on how long I had left on my mortgage I figured it was best to just sit on it. The way I figured it we only have 8 years left on our 30 year mortgage if we just keep paying it the way we are now. But if we put all of our savings on it right now then we will only have 3 years left. Our interest rate right now is 6.3% or 6.5%. I figured the hassle and fees would not be worth refinancing for a 15 year loan and only knocking our payment down about $200 a month... plus it would extend our mortgage term. It sure would be nice to have our payment be a lesser amount per month though because money is so tight.
My dilemma is if we wipe out our savings and put it on the loan then we have no cushion if something happens with DH's job and it still will not pay off the loan so we will still have a payment. But the longer we sit on the savings and do not put it on the loan the longer we pay interest and the longer it takes to pay off the principle. Plus I want a farm more than anything but I do not want to go back into debt to get it once we get this house paid off.
I seen interest rates were down below 4% and I thought about maybe refinancing but once I did the math on how long I had left on my mortgage I figured it was best to just sit on it. The way I figured it we only have 8 years left on our 30 year mortgage if we just keep paying it the way we are now. But if we put all of our savings on it right now then we will only have 3 years left. Our interest rate right now is 6.3% or 6.5%. I figured the hassle and fees would not be worth refinancing for a 15 year loan and only knocking our payment down about $200 a month... plus it would extend our mortgage term. It sure would be nice to have our payment be a lesser amount per month though because money is so tight.
My dilemma is if we wipe out our savings and put it on the loan then we have no cushion if something happens with DH's job and it still will not pay off the loan so we will still have a payment. But the longer we sit on the savings and do not put it on the loan the longer we pay interest and the longer it takes to pay off the principle. Plus I want a farm more than anything but I do not want to go back into debt to get it once we get this house paid off.