Murphysranch - Bank blues and garage sale thoughts


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Will your loan convert to an interest and principle loan on its own after a certain amount of time?
I seen interest rates were down below 4% and I thought about maybe refinancing but once I did the math on how long I had left on my mortgage I figured it was best to just sit on it. The way I figured it we only have 8 years left on our 30 year mortgage if we just keep paying it the way we are now. But if we put all of our savings on it right now then we will only have 3 years left. Our interest rate right now is 6.3% or 6.5%. I figured the hassle and fees would not be worth refinancing for a 15 year loan and only knocking our payment down about $200 a month... plus it would extend our mortgage term. It sure would be nice to have our payment be a lesser amount per month though because money is so tight.
My dilemma is if we wipe out our savings and put it on the loan then we have no cushion if something happens with DH's job and it still will not pay off the loan so we will still have a payment. But the longer we sit on the savings and do not put it on the loan the longer we pay interest and the longer it takes to pay off the principle. Plus I want a farm more than anything but I do not want to go back into debt to get it once we get this house paid off.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pam, something you might want to figure out is if you got the new loan, but continued to pay the same amount if this would get the load paid off faster. Remember, you'd be paying more in interest first off, so any extra you could pay would go straight to the principle, and could save you quite a bit in interest.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
I do that all the time Pam, and my bank never charges me fees,we keep everything else the same, just change the interest amount


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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hey MR! are you out there!?!?!

just wondering how you are doing with your new commitment to taking a shower ever day?

*marches in to take my own shower if i need it or not*


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
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Southern Washington State

Its not that I "need" a shower. But my hair is so oily and thin, that I feel much better about myself if I do. Too bad its always about 59 degrees in the bathroom, but at least it doesn't allow me to dilly dally around. I've only missed one day so far....

I contacted another loan broker, sent him our details and he'll get back to me whether he has a loan company that does low document loans. In the meantime, we've interviewed one agent and have an appt to interview another one tomorrow. These are hi producers that can and will market our hi end property. Silicon valley ads, lots of website key words, zillow, trulia,, and others.

The first agent said that our place will be an emotional decision by someone, not a calculating numbers crunching one. Its gonna be love at first sight, with the vineyard, the landscaping, the taj mahal of a chicken house I designed, the fenced garden, the 26 ft ridge beam, 10 ft ceilings and 8 ft doors throughout. I have a wonderful time pointing out that the rock on the pillars and arches came from Craigslist; the fountain from CL; the spa from CL; the pots and plants in the breezeways from CL; the ironwork decorations from a consignment store; most of our furniture collected from a consignment store in San Jose and from CL in the Bay Area. I've never been the Macys, Emporium (remember them?) or Pottery Bary/Restorations Hardward type of decorator. Oh and I always take them under the deck to admire my canning goods and my dozens of butternut and buttercup squash, and my jugs of laundry soap. Its really a juxtaposition of two views of my life. Fancy, stupendous, etc vs the innate desire to can, grow and butcher. Guess which one I really am....

Speaking of Freezer Camp, one of my hens that I bought a few months ago, a White Rocks, will have to go to camp as soon as we get a dry day. The second day she was here, she hurt her leg and wouldn't walk on it. So I put her in my bathtub for a few days, kept her cool (it was 100's outside), checked her joint that was swollen and red, and tried to get her to heal. After a week, I took her back outside and she's still not using the leg. In the last two weeks, she doesn't even like to leave the coop. I have to place a pile of crumble and scratch inside for her to eat, and then hand carry her out to the waterer. She is so pretty and so nice. I wish I could splint her leg or amputate it (prob won't work..) or do something so she has a better quality of life.

There are a couple of bucklings on CL for sale, but DH says NO in no uncertain terms. If we are putting the place up for sale, then I can't have a couple of goats or pigs around. Phoey phoey phoey.

I haven't said anything incase any of you are secret agents for the IRS. Are you???

My UE is due to run out next month. And the additional $100 a month of Obama's stimulus plan extra payment has stopped. Guess its past the time to try to stimulus us unemployed ppl. So, again thru CL, I found a part time job. I won't be earning any money until the UE runs out, but I am learning and growing. A very very different part of high tech that I had no idea existed. Don't worry - its clean, wholesome, mainly Muslim and India based, but it stretches my brain cells to just about explode status. I'm doing their media kit and working on a website for them. No, I've never done this before, but I'm trying like the dickens to get it going. I can work from their home and/or work from my home. Who knew that this type of work existed? A little more than minimum wage, but heck, it'll buy groceries.

If it ever stops raining, then I can go out and weeds, cut down my asparagus fronds, set up my cold frame, etc. DH brought home a window and box from a remodel job, plus my mother has a shower glass door set that I can have for the cold frame. It would be nice to have spinach, salad greens, etc growing in there. Or I can set up a row cover on top of planter boxes in my greenhouse. So much to think about and do; just get yer rear in gear, girlie!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
hey are you selling my house or yours????

"The first agent said that our place will be an emotional decision by someone, not a calculating numbers crunching one. Its gonna be love at first sight, with the vineyard, the landscaping, the taj mahal of a chicken house I designed, the fenced garden, the 26 ft ridge beam, 10 ft ceilings and 8 ft doors throughout."

I am hoping for the same thing. I need someone to fall for my house with all it's custom charm. Then maybe I will be able to sell as well.

I am keeping fingers crossed for us both. :fl

Happy New Year!!!



Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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You need to sell that house as a "self-sufficient homestead"!

People are looking for that kind of thing now. Do you have any kind of local sale papers that cater to farmer types, maybe you could advertise it there?


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
OFG: I have thrown out 4 quarts of buttermilk over the last 4 months. Always have the intent to make the sponge for the bread, but don't get around to it b4 the carton spoils. Well, yesterday I made the sponge, with some buttermilk that was past its prime.

Its not foaming or doing anything. Looked at it this morning, and its simply sitting in the exact same position I left it yesterday at 4 p.m. Gonna go poke at it and talk to it sternly and see if I can get a "rise" out of it. I printed out the instructions, so gotta go find my reading glasses and give it a try.

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