Music Thread


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
...I've been on a 70s kick lately with Mom. Trying to get songs stuck in her head. Succeeded a few times.

:) the other day Mom actually made it all the way through the entire Wish You Were Here album and didn't comment until it was over. she liked the accoustic song the best and that was no surprise, but that she would even tolerate the whole thing at all is nice so that i can listen to it once in a while when she's here. :) most of the time i have classical music or various things on that she will be ok with. i don't mind it myself as most of it fades into the background while i'm writing or working on other things.

also some soundtracks are good. i'm really happy with The Lord of the Rings, etc. music and can play that but some of it is a bit too rough for sleepytime music so i also have edited or compiled versions that i also play. Harry Potter movie music, Star Wars, etc. recently came across a movie called Lorelie which is music by Jeff Russo that I liked so i've got that in the rotation now along with a few seasons of Fargo's music and such.

like you i can't cope with commercials so i don't do radio much at all. the public radio station just became too much advertisements too for us. we don't want to hear people talking in between songs a lot and we also don't want to be interrupted for news. if we want those things we know where to find them. sad though because i used to enjoy listening to the radio station at the college and liked some of the shows and storytelling shows too. those i got hooked on for a while when i was living down south since i had some evenings where i was needing distractions but not music. i haven't much listened to podcasts though the past dozen years. i didn't want stories and voices as much when i'm living with others and was also working a more public facing job. fell out of the habit. :) c'est la vie...


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
We had downpours and sun on cycles today. At one point, we had what appeared to be a huge, blinding rainbow coming down in front of some trees and hitting the ground 40 feet in front of us. And I had this song run through my head and get stuck.
