Lovin' The Homestead
We had a very bad storm here this morning with 76+ mile per hour straight lined winds. It was horrible! We lost two nice big trees as well as many branches, but worst thing of all is my garden! Everything in it is laying on its side! I don't know if anything will continue to produce or not!! My toomatoes were beautiful, as tall as my 9 year old and loaded with tomatoes. Do you think the tomatoes will still ripen?? Also my peppers are all laying down. They were heavy with produce as well?? This is such a bummer!! I will try to post pics later. Right now we don't even have power! I am borrowing a laptop from work.
I sould be happy however, we have already gone through two tornadoes. One took everything we had. So glad to report no major losses just alot of hard work down the drain!!
I sould be happy however, we have already gone through two tornadoes. One took everything we had. So glad to report no major losses just alot of hard work down the drain!!