Frugal Homesteader
How old is your dd? Some kids take a little longer with reading writing than others do. But I do think Roo is on to something for you as a tool for her to practice a little more. My ds who is 9 had horrible handwritting at the begining of this school yr & he is finally showing some real progress now unless he gets in a hurry of course, then sometimes I have to ask him to translate for me.
One of the beauties about homeschooling is you can always change things up if something is not working for you & the children. I think the town idea is a great one & once you get it going a little more maybe he(dh) will get the idea & point behind it.
One of the beauties about homeschooling is you can always change things up if something is not working for you & the children. I think the town idea is a great one & once you get it going a little more maybe he(dh) will get the idea & point behind it.