Her name is Alyanna Blair, born July 17th, 2015. She's 6 months now! I had her at home. It was a 4 hour labor with less than 10 minutes of pushing. it was crazy fast! I've been so busy! I had to go back to work. Cal is going to school to hopefully be a mechanic. He just started last week so he's got a while to go on that. We moved to a 3 bedroom house outside of town in august. Still just renting so I'm just doing a garden this summer. Last summers didn't end up working out because we moved. Plus I was big and pregnant and then had a newborn. I just couldn't keep up with it . Hopefully this year will be better! Hopefully we'll buy a house soon here with some land so I can start my hobby farm. The starting of the actual farm is going to be for a few years.
I've been doing small things to start my road to self sufficiency. I'm going to be making my own soap (laundry, body and other). Also, when we finally get a deep freezer, make bread dough and freeze it along with stocking up on a lot of non parishables. We already have enough ground venison to last until deer season so I don't have to buy burger! Which is great!