Excellent description. Thank you.DrakeMaiden said:After the jar is open, if there is botulism present, the toxin (which is what kills ya) can be dealt with by boiling it until it breaks apart . . . it is just a protein (if memory serves) and cooking it will denature it.
But if you do not plan to boil the canned food after opening the can, then you need to can properly.
In the old days they used to hot water bath can meat. I suspect they cooked it again before they ate it, so it was rarely a problem.
Did that make sense?
ETA: (for clarification) You can either kill the botulism organism when you initially can, or you can break down the botulism toxin (produced by the botulism organism over time in an air-tight, low-acid environment) once the jar is opened by cooking the food thoroughly.