Thank you all for being here and reading my post. It is just horrible to have a pity party all by yourself.
firem3. Thanks, great link. I acutally have cool mint listerine on hand. Will give that a try.
It is pouring down rain here. I just put on my poncho and rubber boots and tromped out to tend the chickens and rabbits. Yes - everyone here at the house threw a fit and fussed. But just how much control can you have over a old woman who is stubborn as a mule. I ask the Dr what my restrictions were and he said none. Do what I feel like doing. Well, I felt like playing in the rain with the chickens. LOL Plus it felt good to do something useful and it also took my mind off how bad this hurts.
H23- Funny, that is one chicken joke I had not heard.
QA - Sounds like you are having as much fun as me. Ringworm - So sorry. Because I was always a critter lover as a little girl I got ringworm all the time. It sure does itch.
Dace - Sorry your 15 year old had to deal with this. Nothing nice about it thats for sure.
I am coming late to this pity party darn it........How come my invitation didnt get here sooner. I am sitting here reading this (keep your first rant in mind now) OMG, It is shingles, not an std. YES it is very contagiousm so you handled that good, Yes it hurts, and for that I am sorry for you. That just goes to show you people that sometimes you cant dr yourself and you have to GO TO THE DR.
SO you decided to share the shingles with your chickens eh? How do you think that is going to turn out?
QA, I had ringworm a couple times when I was a kid, it isnt the end of the world. I didnt even know I had it, my mother found it on my arm. So you had a quiet thanksgiving, good cuz you are probably not feeling 100%
Chickenpox isnt the end of the world. I say BRING ON THE POX. If you are gonna get it , get it good and while you are young. That way there YOU dont remember mommy or daddy duct taping socks to your hands to stop you from scratching, hot pad gloves work also.
Oh gosh - why didn't I think of that - Cyber Shingles. Wonder if they are as painful. I should have gone that route.
FC - Shingles on the roof. Funny I love that one - Can't wait to pass that one on.
I am making potato pancakes in a little while. I have about a ton of mashed potatos left over from our work lunch Wednesday. Can't stand for them to go to waste so I decided I would try my hand at potato pancakes. Never made them before so keep your fingers crossed. If they turn out awful I will come back for some Cyber Chicken Soup.
Insanity is cured by having friends that are as insane as you are. Once you have a bunch of people all acting the same way it becomes the norm and is no longer considered insane. (Or at least that is the theroy I am working with).