MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 19, 2014
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The great mistery is solved! The hay I got was Bermuda not alfalfa, they had a new guy in the back and he didn't know the difference between the two (plus it was raining when we picked it up so wanted to get in and out asap)

So now we have half a bale of Bermuda the rabbits won't eat, oh well I can give it to the ladies when they start nesting at least it'll get some use then.

Goals for the week aka the next few day's:
Start building my potato garden.

Candle my duck eggs... Though at 1-1&1/2 weeks it might be too early for that???

get my lazy bum in gear and Measure the front yard and start scraping the rocks, maybe I can put up a Craigslist add and see if someone would do it for me. I don't want the rocks so they can have those, I'd rather have just dirt or pea gravel :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Its been a busy time since u was last on quite a buts happened...
Lost 2 of my buns also none if the ducj eggs hatched its probably for the best but I'm super bummed about it... Honestly not sure what I'm doing wrong but I think I may have pulled my tray out too early this time (it was too late last time) and I'm 98% positive all the eggs where fertile as well :'( I'm just gonna put it away for now and buy chicks already hatched for the time being.
My potato garden was a complete fiasco and I still haven't started the front yard.
Finally got Lollypup to the vet, turns out she's got a 4/8 lvl heart murmur, is about 7 years old and they estimate 8 teeth need to be pulled out ;0; I'm hoping she can eat after words, my friend doesn't think it'll be an issue but I don't want her going through all of this then not being able to enjoy living because she can't eat or drink properly

Picked up knitting again hopefully I'll finish the scarf I've been working on for forever, I pick it up for a bit then don't have time for it so it gets thrown in the closet and not worked on again for 1/2 a year :v my goal is to have it done before the end of the month! Also going to start working on some blankets with Twinnie and start working on Christmas/b-day gifts!

So much to do so little to do it in have a good day all

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What kind of duck eggs were they? I've tried to hatch out Muscovy eggs and had no luck. From what I understand, they can be very hard. They developed, just never pipped.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Denim Deb they where mixed Swedish Blues, I could see development (at least I believe it's proper development) in the eggs only one of them didn't seem to develop and remained empty. For my first batch I did have a hatch but the chick died in the incubator before I knew it had even been born :'( I suspect because I left the tray in it rotated the chick while it was trying to come out and caused it to pass away. I'm honestly not sure why these ones didn't hatch or pip at all... And since my ducks are currently not laying I won't get to try again till winter.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
It has been so freaking hot! :'(
It's been 115,114,117 and has barely cooled back down to the 100's since Monday. Thanks to this massive heat wave we'e lost 2 rabbits and one if my gold chickens D':

I found someone on Craigslist selling new Zealand, California's and mix's of the two for $15 each. I'm thinking after I return from my birthday trip in September I may buy 3 new females and a male, just have to double check that they aren't related. But I also need to refix my rabbit rack as this oppressive heat wave caused the top section of the big one I built to melt slightly....

Also found a nice listing of chicks for sale since I've been thinking of getting a few new ones, found a lady who sells Isbars, golden lakenvelders, marans and Ameraucana's <3 for less than 20 each... My mom says that's pricey per chick but considering my younger sister got her Ameraucana's she took to show for 45 each and there are places selling Isbars for 100 per non sexed chick this is a crazy good deal in my books!

I've also been thinking about setting up a duckuaponix (I'm sure that's how it's spelt) system in my back yard but I'm honestly not sure how wide or deep I need to make it, they seem to handle the kiddie pool fine but I'm wondering if 3-4ft wide and 4-5 ft deep is big enough since I'd like to get at least 3 beds set up to it or at least enough to easily grow some extra food stuffs for me and critters. Decisions decisions.... Off to do more research!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It hasn't been quite that hot here, but the humidity has been horrible. I'm so looking forward to cooler weather.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
I am so ready for cooler weather not sure how I handle this oppressive heat year after year :'B

Started feeding both chickens and ducks "lacto" fermentated scratch. They love the living daylights out of this stuff.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 19, 2014
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Well got to take care of my first case of Bumblefoot and it was a double whammy on the same hen. I'm just hoping I did everything correct, my younger sister (a now aspiring large stock vet) assisted me with the surgery while Twinnie bought me extra supplies.
That was the bad one :v I just hope I got everything out of it, I felt really bad for the hen (now called Bumble) she was very VERY unhappy with me by the time I was done. She is currently chilling with her sisters with bandaged toes and some triple antibiotic jelly on the wounds. Thankfully though she is the only one.
Though it was a bit funny explaining to a guy at Walmart why I needed the bandages and jell! His parting comment was "with the price of eggs I'm sure your sitting on a goldmine with that bird." Apparently eggs have reached $5 a dozen here.... I had no clue as I hadn't bought them in so long!


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Well its been awhile since I was last on and for that I apologize some crazy stuffs been going on. My aunt came to live with us for a while (she was to stay a month and find her own place but I'll Get to that later.)... Grandpa got really sick and passed away just before Thanksgiving, lil sis saw snow for her first (remembered) time and went on her first plane ride, got some new hens all either eastereggers or Americaunas. Also got some new rabbits, Found out I hate my aunts cat, that I'm quite painfully allergic to duck eggs (on their own can use in baked goods) and learned how to process duck properly. Got both a smoker and a processing table from my mom for Christmas! I have yet to use either though :'(

Some pics of my (not so) new babies!

When they really where babies...
I learned how to crochet, bought lots of books on animal breeds and plants and hope to put some of the stuff I've learned to good use this year!
I have also Unfortunetly learned that my aunt who is in her late 40's/50's is less mature than I am. Due to an argument about me scruffing her cat this morning (for being in my chicken coop AGAIN) and a major butting of attitudes and the fact that I feel she has 100% worn out her welcome to my household I gave her a letter reminding her that her stay in my household was/is temporary and that we expect her to be moved out by early/late March. And that her cat is to remain in the room we are letting her stay in if she is not there to watch him or isn't going to keep an eye on him. that she was not being evicted immediately but that she was expected to be out by late march. and that if she had concerns or needed to speak with us it would have to be when both me and Twinnie where home. (Not mentioned but it is due to the fact she playes the she said he said game waywayway too much)

Now: I feel my letter though cut, dry and to the point was polite enough and that she should have seen it coming and would react in a respectful way.
As someone in her early 20's if I was in her situation and knew the owners of the home where home I would let them know, hey I got your letter. I understand and will try to find a place before than and if I can't will you let me stay a week or two longer? Especially since she told us that if we wanted her out all we had to do was tell her.
Nope. She locked herself in the room, blocked my entire immediate family on Facebook and has been complaining to someone on the phone about it ever since, only leaving the room to smoke and complain loudly when she probably thinks I can't hear about how she's an adult and can handle it.
I know it doesn't have much to do with self sufficiency and was very rant like but does anyone have some advice for me? I am normally really relaxed and easy to get along with but she is getting so far under my skin that I am ready to scream at her to get out of my home.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Wow. I feel sorry for you. I hope you don't end up having to call in the sheriff or something to evict her, but if she refuses to leave at the time you have stipulated (you DID keep a copy of the letter, right?) you may have to. And I would say that even if she whines that she has no place to go, don't let her stay longer- particularly if you can tell she hasn't been trying to find a place. Otherwise, you might as well give up and accept that she will be staying there as long as she wants.

By the way, where/how is she eating?