Natural Egg Hatching

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
My last coop was only 6X8 very small and crowded, I am sitting on the roost to take the pic.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 5, 2018
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NE Oklahoma
i love the details and care you all exhibit and write up. so at least now i know a rough idea of what is involved and how much time and attention i'd have to give to this to ever do it or even to talk about it with someone else who might be attempting it on a first try. :)

i don't have any plans for this sort of thing here as there are so many raccoons and other predators about - i think it would be a major struggle, plus i like snakes and would not want to ever have to kill or remove them.
You can do a lot less work for a little more $$$$. For me it's worth the effort to not spend the money. More of just the thought that I can make things work without the fancy stuff. But I was mentioning to the wife the other day, having another brooder box like my other one, just split in half for 2 broody hens instead of a large incubator batch would be nice. It's expanded metal on 5 sides and plywood on the one side.
It's set up like a normal mini coop or dog run. This one is 4'x 8' and about 2' deep but with one broody hen you could go much smaller and cheaper. Snakes can't get in the expanded metal like they can my coop. 1" tubing for the frame and legs.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
..You can do a lot less work for a little more $$$$. For me it's worth the effort to not spend the money.

Yep, I'm for saving the expense. Let's face it, at some point the expense outweighs the benefit. Especially with small livestock. May always have more time than $$. 😂.

I milk goats...can buy milk (not as good though 😁) but they're here and producing. Chickens lay eggs. Grass grows, they eat it. Bugs are eaten. It's a circle.


The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
You can do a lot less work for a little more $$$$. For me it's worth the effort to not spend the money. More of just the thought that I can make things work without the fancy stuff. But I was mentioning to the wife the other day, having another brooder box like my other one, just split in half for 2 broody hens instead of a large incubator batch would be nice. It's expanded metal on 5 sides and plywood on the one side.
It's set up like a normal mini coop or dog run. This one is 4'x 8' and about 2' deep but with one broody hen you could go much smaller and cheaper. Snakes can't get in the expanded metal like they can my coop. 1" tubing for the frame and legs.

A very good thing to have indeed!!
I gave my son a dog run we wert/going to ever use BUT, there it sits, he never put it together and used it,,
I should get it back 🧐🤔

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
..You can do a lot less work for a little more $$$$. For me it's worth the effort to not spend the money.

Yep, I'm for saving the expense. Let's face it, at some point the expense outweighs the benefit. Especially with small livestock. May always have more time than $$. 😂.

I milk goats...can buy milk (not as good though 😁) but they're here and producing. Chickens lay eggs. Grass grows, they eat it. Bugs are eaten. It's a circle.

Ya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and I turned down 2 meat/milk goats Kinders $150 for 2 cuz DH feels feeding them over our 4 winter months is stupid use of money - son says alfalfa bale is $30, he uses one in 2 weeks for 8 goats ,,, I have so much timothy and brush for 2 small goats but,,,,,,

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
Mamma#1 hatch date June 13th did great over night with being under the nesting box with nesting sutff/fake straw stuff and a roots board. the test will be come flock egg laying time.
Will they the layers stick to the task at hand or hen peck Mamma #1.
They all left the chicks alone yesterday and didn't try and mess with Mamma. Integrating in a small area I feel takes supervision/watchful eye from the human , letting Rooster do his job, let the pecking order take place as long as there is no blood drawn by over aggression, we are the ones that put them in this not natural environment. I try to make them as happy and comfortable as I can and let them work out the politics, but I dont put up with mean birds.

Broody #2 has 3 to 4 days of setting to go Hatch Date 30th/July1st

Broody#3,, I decided it would create a fight if I took 2 of B#2's eggs and gave them to #3--so, I gave #3 3 of the darkest best looking shells. 1 was laid on the 25th and 2 from yesterday the 26th. If I get another very dark hard shelled one today I will give it to her. so she can have 4 eggs. That puts a Hatch date about July 18th I think.

On Sunday my granddaughter 11yr old spent some time in grandmas coop. she has coops at home and DDIL incubated some chicks last month. Anyway she had fun talking to all the hens and, she was so proud of herself, she picked up Mr. Cornelius rooster!! he was very good and just let her hold him and talk to him.
[ did you know they are considered pullets up until they are 1 year old]

‼️BUT THEN~~ later in the afternoon, I took her off te nest to get water ,,, then took Broody !2 out of her pin to eat,drink, ,,, #3 sticks all feathers out- neck feathers up as high as she could get them- head down looking streight at #2 and then~~:barnie💥 she went for the jugular on broody #2, in comes Mr. Cornelius- its a bird fight- #3 was powerfully aggressive-- I am not sure I want her to raise any chicks??⁉️


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
‼️BUT THEN~~ later in the afternoon, I took her off te nest to get water ,,, then took Broody !2 out of her pin to eat,drink, ,,, #3 sticks all feathers out- neck feathers up as high as she could get them- head down looking streight at #2 and then~~:barnie💥 she went for the jugular on broody #2, in comes Mr. Cornelius- its a bird fight- #3 was powerfully aggressive-- I am not sure I want her to raise any chicks??⁉️

sounds like chicken soup is in her future... :(

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
A good broody/momma hen is fearless!! They will jump right into the face of a predator -- or supposed threat -- as if they were a monster ninja. 😱 The chicks run, probably at her command squawks. They are amazing protectors. IF THEY WERE the size of a dog, you'd have a real ferocious problem!

Then they hustle to the chicks and call them to her. Clucking and counting for them all.🥰 Major care.
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The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
A good broody/momma hen is fearless!! They will jump right into the face of a predator -- or supposed threat -- as if they were a monster ninja. 😱 The chicks run, probably at her command squawks. They are amazing protectors. IF THEY WERE the size of a dog, you'd have a real ferocious problem!

Then they hustle to the chicks and call them to her. Clucking and counting for them all.🥰 Major care.
Yep! the broody's are fearless; little red mamma took on #2 today, #2 was butting in on the mothering while she was supposed to getting a drink of water-- it went fine#2 was put in her place and they were friends again,
#3 has had her own cage today so the rest of the flock wont boot her off when they want to lay eggs--
over all all is well,

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
All well! Broody#2 has 3 of 4 🥚 s peeping
the one not peeping is dated the 19th so it’s early,
Mamma#1 has explored the coop with the chicks all the way around the wall but not in front of the door,,, she is creeping that way, but she is not quite yet ready to let them out of the coop

broody #3 is doing fine has her 5 eggs I think it was I for get maybe 6

Coop roof today,, I’ll take pics