Natural remedies for fibromyalgia/muscle pain/arthritis?


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Having to go on a gluten free diet is a sign of disease. Many many people eat gluten for years then suddenly develop a problem with it. A gluten free diet only masks the disease. It is still there. I guess this is good enough for some people who are not interested in seeking out a cure. When you are cured you can eat all the gluten you want.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Some people are schooled....they are given lists of "facts" that they must remember and regurgitate. Others educate themselves....learn to take in information and relate it to other things they've learned and come to conclusions...and are willing to change those conclusions in the face of new and convincing evidence. The vast majority of those in the medical profession are schooled. Not educated. There is not a doctor on this planet whose degree intimidates me.

You can't convince anyone who isn't ready. I will drop little bits of information and research now and then to someone I love and that I know will benefit...but in a friendly, "guess what I read today" way, not a "you should..." way. When they are ready, they ask. When the student is ready, the master appears.

One of my clients works in the research department of my local library. She is on statin drugs for "high" cholesterol. She is having muscle pain that is getting more and more severe and is keeping her up at night and restricting her activities. I have urged her to talk to her doc about the statins, as I've seen it many times in my clients, that the statin drugs are causing major problems and the person's cholesterol isn't even "high." One is on the drugs for being NINE points over the charts and graphs.

This same client's doc tested her for vitamin D levels. She has not taken D supplements specifically, but eats good food (including eggs from my hens) and gets sun when she gardens extensively. Her level was 78. Her doc insisted that she immediately get off her calcium supplement, which contained a small amount of D. What a well-schooled idiot.

So I decided to e-mail this client a "research question" to get her to research the effects of statin drugs. I also asked for articles from alternative and complimentary medical experts on what healthy cholesterol numbers really are. She sent me tons of stuff today. She still doesn't get that I am not looking for those answers, that I am trying to get HER to get the answers. She is not ready. She is not taking in what she is reading.

Oh, did you know that many libraries offer this service, to do a half hour of research for you online? They take courses on searching the internet. It is very handy. Sometimes.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
ToLiveToLaugh said:
Here's the situation: I've also read that they've seen clinically promising results eliminating gluten to reduce the big flame up episodes in fibromyalgia. My mom has it, and I would really like to see her try eliminating gluten and seeing if it helps. She loveslovesloves triscuits though. She's on board with my gardening, and my animals, but she still has a pretty mainstream view of nutritionism. I feel like if I hand her NT or a cook of the same ilk she'll just think I'm nutty and dogmatic.

So here's my question: have any of you persuaded someone over to the NT or GF viewpoints? Free, I'm sure you have. What the heck sort of evidence can you use? My mom is a nurse, so she assumes (most cases rightly so!) that she knows more about the body than I do. Thoughts? :/
I have a very dear friend who suffers from is really wrecking havoc in her life right now. She has been on many many meds....and can;t control the flare ups or the pain.

She also drinks Red Bull everyday among other things. I have been gently making fun of her RB addiction for a year....and suggesting that she get off sugar and refined carbs altogether. She thinks I am extreme.

One day I was researching info on kefir because I was setting her up with some grains, so I printed out a bunch of info along with a couple articles about sugar triggering inflammation.....HELLO! She finally bought it.

Although, she has cut back on sugar and refined carbs......I am hoping that she sticks with it and see some positive results.

The bottom line is as Free said, people aren't ready until they are ready. You best bet is to print out or email articles to her once in a while and be really sensitive to her responses when attempting to make a suggestion!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Dace said:
ToLiveToLaugh said:
Here's the situation: I've also read that they've seen clinically promising results eliminating gluten to reduce the big flame up episodes in fibromyalgia. My mom has it, and I would really like to see her try eliminating gluten and seeing if it helps. She loveslovesloves triscuits though. She's on board with my gardening, and my animals, but she still has a pretty mainstream view of nutritionism. I feel like if I hand her NT or a cook of the same ilk she'll just think I'm nutty and dogmatic.

So here's my question: have any of you persuaded someone over to the NT or GF viewpoints? Free, I'm sure you have. What the heck sort of evidence can you use? My mom is a nurse, so she assumes (most cases rightly so!) that she knows more about the body than I do. Thoughts? :/
I have a very dear friend who suffers from is really wrecking havoc in her life right now. She has been on many many meds....and can;t control the flare ups or the pain.

She also drinks Red Bull everyday among other things. I have been gently making fun of her RB addiction for a year....and suggesting that she get off sugar and refined carbs altogether. She thinks I am extreme.

One day I was researching info on kefir because I was setting her up with some grains, so I printed out a bunch of info along with a couple articles about sugar triggering inflammation.....HELLO! She finally bought it.

Although, she has cut back on sugar and refined carbs......I am hoping that she sticks with it and see some positive results.

The bottom line is as Free said, people aren't ready until they are ready. You best bet is to print out or email articles to her once in a while and be really sensitive to her responses when attempting to make a suggestion!
Ugh, I had this conversation with a coworker this morning. She was drinking a sugar free energy drink. It may have been a Red Bull, not sure. Anyway, she's in the circle of people here who know what I've been up to. I started teasing her about it but had to get serious when I realized she really thought she was doing something good for herself by drinking that thing as her breakfast. So we had the whole protein for breakfast discussion. She just can't get over the idea that I'm eating eggs and bacon for breakfast and expect to lose weight. She's my age and has a gazillion health issues including joint pains. It's so frustrating.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
It is hard. People really don't get the bacon and eggs is not the problem....or whole milk or cheese. They don't see that *perhaps* there could be some relationship between all the chemicals and processed foods they eat and health problems.

I read somewhere that Americans consume more corn than any other vegetable (even my 7 yr old knows corn is not a veg) but how often do we eat corn in it's whole form? Makes you think!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2009
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Okay, thanks you guys. I just really want to see with her what works and what doesn't, before I inherit all the medical problems in my family... I'm hoping if we find a diet that works for her, it would work preventatively for me as well. Two of my aunts on my mom's side just had heart attacks within the past couple months. One is 56 (ish?) and the other is mid 60s. I know that's not absurdly early to be having a heart attack, but it still worries me! Both my parents are on statins. It's all very tangled and complicated. :rolleyes: I just hope I don't need to end up in the same boat as all that.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I have a friend that I have been helping here. Fortunately she is open minded but she takes one step at a time, like she has to prove to herself each step of the way.

As of christmas she stoped drinking vodka but drinks as much wine as she wants. She has a fatty liver for which the doctors say there is no cure, even if she stopped drinking

After 3 weekw on MMS her chronic high blood pressure has retuned to normal. She has been on BP meds for over 30 years, (even before the vodka) and really powerful ones at that and even when on the blood pressure meds her bp would be 170 over 106!
This is a common result with many mms users.

Her cholesterol that was sky high has returned to good ratios. Triglycerides that were 400 are down to 137. Even when on the mediterrain diet!

She has cured one skin cancer with MMS.

She has a chronic herpes zoster well under control with homeoapthy.

Her chronic indigestion is gone due to mms and it was the first improvement she noted, even while still drinking the vodka.

Her doctor is completely stumped.

Now she finally mailed away for vitamin D3 and lugols iodine

I expect more good results and it is so satisfying to see someone get well after being ill for so long.

just a note on statin drugs..... statins depress the formation of CoEnzyme q10, produced in the mitochrondria of each cell which depresses the formation of ATP, the energy molecule of the metabolic process throughout the whole body.

The studies on those who take it are just remarkable, increaseing ejection fractions, longer life spans with cancer and heart disease. Its just amazing!

In Europe statin drugs come with coenzyme q10 in them. Why not here? Probably because they don't like to see people get well or stay well. I don't approve in statin drugs AT ALL, but if someone chooses to take them they really need to take ubiniquinol form of Co-q10 also.

I always encourage people to follow up with their doctor by doing tests. This will lead to documented results and controlled withdrawl from medicaitons... that they just can't explain. I advise people not to tell their doctors what they are doing unless they think they will get support with something at least like...Keep up the good work and a willingness to continue to follow with appropriate testing. If they won't or you think they wont then don't tell them a dam thing. The test will direct them to make the necessary changes


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
I'm telling you ...all you guys have to do is a really good parasite cleanse! After that it's all uphill. Your body gets back in sync and you 'll feel terrific!

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