I got it today It shipped really well. Everything was a little warm due to our 96 degree weather plus humidity, but all intact, no melted gunk, so I'd call that pretty good I took pics while opening to show how everything arrived Thanks again for the sample pack Photo documentation....
Great job on the shipping as you can see! I'm lookin forward to using it!
Awesome! Thank you for being my guinea pig! I was worried with the bombs, since 76F coconut oil is what holds them together. I have never put them in higher heat conditions and wasn't sure how they'd survive the stifling heat of the back of a USPS truck in 90F+ weather, lol. I'm excited now!
The priority shipping is $5 even for the flat rate with delivery confirmation. I could ship cheaper, however I'd have issues with shipping, since they require at least one Priority or higher grade shipping package to come pick your packages up. I'm working on the pricing for the little sampler packs. I'll figure it out and then post it later.
That soap is gorgeous! I probably should have gotten a pic of it by itself. I'd say the sampler should be minimum of $8 not knowing what goes into it as far as cost of production. This stuff is great! I gave my little niece one of the bath bombs, she has eczema, so we'll see how that goes. She promised me she'd use it tonight and report back to me tomorrow I'll keep ya'll posted I know that soap says unscented, but I love the lite scent it has to it, very soft and slightly sweet. I think we'll really like it
ETA: Probaby should clarify that I meant $8+shipping I think I would pay that for it to try it out. Can't wait to use the clay mask after a nice bath with bath bomb tonight!
Lol! I charge $1 per pack of bath bombs (3 per pack as I'm sure everyone can see, thanks to your wonderful pictures, lol), $3.50 per bar of soap and $.50 (if I remember correctly) per mask, so that's only $5.50 for retail on the entire package! I like sharing what I've got, I don't charge a ton for everything that I offer, I'm not Bath & Body works!!! Lol. I'm glad you feel it's worth more than that though! I love the bath bombs, but honestly don't use a lot of them because I know how much of a pain in the arse they are to make, lol. The masks aren't exactly how I want them. I'm thinking of pulling them until they're perfect. They work well, but they clump up with water, and I don't like that in an end product for customers. :/ I may keep them on until future reformulation simply because they do still work and feel nice. I just haven't decided on that one yet. Let me know what you think after using one! Don't be afraid to be honest, your honest opinion matters.
After calculations and all that good stuff, would $8 shipped sound like an acceptable price for a sampler pack? $8 to get a bar of soap, a pack of bath bombs and two packs of facial masks shipped to your door with 2-3 day shipping? Sounds reasonable to me, but would people be willing to pay that for a sample pack? Lol.
I sure as heck would think so! I'd say $10 sounds fair, but given the retail value of each you either need to increase your prices or give on the sampler package deal...after all people think that when they buy a "package" they believe they are getting a bonus in some shape or form. Either a discount in total price or a bonus item....at least that's what I found when you label something as a "package".
If you decide to keep everything at retial price, there's really no reason to create a sampler pack since people can simply peicemeal their "sampler" themselves by choosing what they like.
I agree, you could go up on the items a smidge. Especially considering the point glenolam made.
REVIEW: Haven't tried the masks YET.
Soap: Was GREAT!!! My skin is so soft, I LOVE it! Great to shave with even...yeah I was brave enough to try. I am usually strictly either cream, or conditioner if I'm out of cream. I razorburn easily, but I wanted to test it because it was so smooth and no razorburn at all. I'm impressed!!
Bath bombs: I liked it, not usually my thing, but it was nice. Not the product at all, just my personal lack of interest in that type of thing. Definately a market for them though..DD loved it! Niece reported that it was "fun" (she's 7)LOL! With her bad eczema, it did not break her out, so that is a HUGE plus! SIL may be interested in getting some for her, I'll let you know Niece has some really horrible bug bites and this kept her from itching as badly according to her mom. She just got back from the doctor over a badly infected bite from scratching, so for the summer they would be great for her. It did seem very soothing. DD has skin issues and mild eczema as well and as stated, she loved it.
I'll let ya know on the masks when DD and I do those in the next few days Overall...on a scale of 1 to 10, I give the package a 9.5 so far. Bath bombs are nice, but not something I would do often...those girls sure like to be pampered though
These really are great quality products IMO, and for $8 or whatever you decide on, hands down, WORTH EVERY PENNY..and I haven't even tried the masks yet
Awesome! Thank you very, very, VERY much for the detailed review! I was never into the bath bombs so much myself. Expensive as hell usually and I go in phases as to whether I bathe or shower. But fortunately they last awhile, so they're around for when I feel like pampering myself, lol. The facial masks, I'm thinking about premixing them for sales. I'll have to reformulate a little, but I think it'll be worth it in the end.