Need HELP, goat tore her udder


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
Vanderwagen, NM
The wound has closed itself up. They are going to gently milk out that side often to keep the pressure off that side.
I'm not sure more frequent milking is the way to go. Extra milking will cause her to make MORE milk. Depending on where she is in her lactation cycle, it could be a lot more, which would make the problem worse. I would just milk on the regular schedule. She'll probably be fine. Good to know she's healing.

I would suggest some supplements to help fight infection and to help with healing. I would give garlic and echinecea for sure, and maybe vitamen C and comfrey. A good probiotic if you have one. I use the regular pills you buy for people. Just put a pill or two on top of her feed. I use the regular adult dose. Mine just eat them up, no problem. Also, get some bag balm and use it on that side before milking as well as after. That will help to keep the scab from cracking and bleeding again.

We have just been through something similar with one of our does. She had quads this year! As the kids were fighting over her teats, one of them bit down and tore a hunk of skin off!! It was about 3/4 of a inch by 1 1/2 inch long. Poor girl. We were separating the kids at night so we could milk in the morning. We just kept doing that, giving the supplements, and using the bag balm as above. She has healed just fine, and we didn't have to quit milking her. Sometimes the scab woud still break open during milking (and for sure when the babies nursed!). We would get blood on our fingers, but none ever got in the milk. The kids have been weaned (sold actually) and she has completely healed. Good luck!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Thanks for the update. I was thinking on her. I can understand why they want to milk often. I know how engorgement feels. They were lucky. They might end up with more milk, but from what I understand, that won't really be a bad thing.

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