Need help planning a birthday party for a 1-year-old boy


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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my daughter is 5 now and birthdays are "real" to her LOL and yes they cost money

at 1 she got a cake and some party hats the party hat was for pictures....yup, ya gotta get the pics of the little kid in a party hat. Those pics are always so cute and we got our slice of cake and let her destroy her piece with fingers and all (for the pic of course) lol

Key being keep presents LOW don't waste money on those baby toys they grow out of soooo fast we wrapped a few of her old toys, yup, that she barely touched and she had a blast trying to rip paper --again for the pic situation

if you wrap a present use tissue paper, the little kids can actually destroy that and unwrap the heavy paper is way tough for the little kid

her party lasted all of 10 minutes lol and the interest was over but we got wonderful pics for the album

oh and edited to say: ANYONE without a kid thinks a 1 yr old birthday party is nuts----I did----til I had a kid LOL then it becomes all about pics of the baby! after all they grow up so fast and change!

have fun!!

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