Food Guru
Just looked up Aria powder and I am sorry to break it to you....throw that in the trash yesterday if not sooner if you want to lose weight. It is 50:50 soy:whey. Soy will mess with your hormones, destroy your thyroid function, and among many horrid things it will do to your body, it will ultimately make you fat. It takes at least six months for your body to clear from the effects. You simply MUST get off this! (You did ask!!!
) Whey in powdered form is neurotoxic. Not something you want happening. Once you are aware of any symptoms of neurotoxins, it is very likely too late to make changes.
Try hard to get in 2 lbs of LGI veggies per day, along with the fats and proteins mentioned. You should lose the lbs easily if you avoid all processed foods....anything with an ingredient label, basically! At the very least, avoid all sugar, white flour (if it starts with the word "enriched" it is white flour) and hydrogenated fats. All seeds that are marketed as veggies, too, like peas and corn. Limit high GI veggies and good carb servings to two a day, and avoid grains.
The weight will melt of your middle, people will notice changes in your skin, and your thinking will be so clear! Enjoy!
Try hard to get in 2 lbs of LGI veggies per day, along with the fats and proteins mentioned. You should lose the lbs easily if you avoid all processed foods....anything with an ingredient label, basically! At the very least, avoid all sugar, white flour (if it starts with the word "enriched" it is white flour) and hydrogenated fats. All seeds that are marketed as veggies, too, like peas and corn. Limit high GI veggies and good carb servings to two a day, and avoid grains.
The weight will melt of your middle, people will notice changes in your skin, and your thinking will be so clear! Enjoy!