Never sunburn again


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Now this is very timely info for me - what about the CLO makes it effective? I was thinking the Vitamin D?
Also - if anyone has a clue as to why this might be happening to me - I usually do not burn, nor tan very well. In summer I can literally be out for hours and get nothing. But this year so far the last 2 sunny days I have gotten an itchy rash on all areas exposed to sun. No burning, just tiny raised itchy bumps. It's making me crazy! Like I've become allergic to the sun. Maybe CLO would help? I take Vitamin D already, eat lots of veggies and healthy fats. It's weird :hu


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Javamama, to remedy the itchy have you tried using aloe vera. I got a bad case of sunpoisening a few times, itchy rash that ende up oozing eventually. The aloe vera cured it and with no scars.

Have any of you tried paba? I used it when I was pregnant and with my infant daughter. It stains fabric like crazy, but it works well. If I remember right, it is a B vitamin. I used to get it in a cream. It was expensive, but lasted a long time and neither my newborn DD nor I got burned. I did a lot of research at the time and wanted to do everything possible to protect my infant daughter's skin in a most natural way possible.
I used it 28 years ago, so don't ask me to remember where I got it! :lol:


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Javamama said:
Now this is very timely info for me - what about the CLO makes it effective? I was thinking the Vitamin D?
Also - if anyone has a clue as to why this might be happening to me - I usually do not burn, nor tan very well. In summer I can literally be out for hours and get nothing. But this year so far the last 2 sunny days I have gotten an itchy rash on all areas exposed to sun. No burning, just tiny raised itchy bumps. It's making me crazy! Like I've become allergic to the sun. Maybe CLO would help? I take Vitamin D already, eat lots of veggies and healthy fats. It's weird :hu
If the D you are taking is possibly synthetic in any way, and it will be if it is processed, you will actually have a problem with it building up in your system.
THe same is even more true with A.

One should never take A without D, or vice versa.
Ratios should be 1 D to 10 A.
Raw fermented clo naturally provides exactly this ratio.

We have learned that all cod liver oil is now being processed, due to regualtions. So even those fancy name brands that we are all familiar with, one of which says natural levels on it, is processed and has either synthetic or other naturally occuring A and D added to it, after the heat processing.

Blue Ice is now made in the US, from raw livers provided by Russia.
It is the same stuff the Vikings ate everyday.
And we all know how fair of skin they were portrayed!


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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i'm wondering if its fishy also... whats it smell like?

i burn just looking at pictures of the sun and dont tan well at all. I gave up sun screen (and bug spray) and am now mostly covered outside. i wear long sleeved shirts, a big silly hat, and long shorts/tall sox. sure i look like a dope but not as silly if i were sporting a lobster red burn.


Enjoys Recycling
Jul 28, 2009
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Javamama said:
Now this is very timely info for me - what about the CLO makes it effective? I was thinking the Vitamin D?
Also - if anyone has a clue as to why this might be happening to me - I usually do not burn, nor tan very well. In summer I can literally be out for hours and get nothing. But this year so far the last 2 sunny days I have gotten an itchy rash on all areas exposed to sun. No burning, just tiny raised itchy bumps. It's making me crazy! Like I've become allergic to the sun. Maybe CLO would help? I take Vitamin D already, eat lots of veggies and healthy fats. It's weird :hu
Don't wish to appear to be too personal, but do you take a birth control pill? :/

I had a similar situation many years ago, my docotr told me I was allergic to the sun, gave me pills and potions, which just made me sleep. I stopped the medication and suffered for many years.

I then stopped taking the birth control pill, and had no more problems.

Coincidence? I don't know, just thought I would mention it.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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ohiofarmgirl said:
i'm wondering if its fishy also... whats it smell like?

i burn just looking at pictures of the sun and dont tan well at all. I gave up sun screen (and bug spray) and am now mostly covered outside. i wear long sleeved shirts, a big silly hat, and long shorts/tall sox. sure i look like a dope but not as silly if i were sporting a lobster red burn.
Yes, its fermented cod liver oil, LOL!
Two ways around that.
Do to the cost, I buy the liquid/gel, and use a small medicine syringe to fill size 00 capsules.
Never taste it and never burp it.
The other option, though it is quite costly, is to buy their ready made capsules.
Your choice.

Our bodies need the sun.
Now we fill them up and cover them up with chemicals, and are scared to be out in the sun.
The only moisturizor that I and my hubby will use, is raw coconut oil.

We can learn so much from ancient wisdom.

And for the skeptic, tropical areas, where unprocessed coconuts are consumed, have incredibly low rates of all skin cancers.
But look at the northerners. Its another story in and of itself.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Mackay said:
Many people get melanomas where the sun don't shine. Why do you think this happens?

Maybe because the sun exposure doesn't have jack to do with it.
I have often thought this, which is another reason I never used sunscreen except on my face b/c I hate the feel of a burn)


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Javamama said:
I usually do not burn, nor tan very well. In summer I can literally be out for hours and get nothing. But this year so far the last 2 sunny days I have gotten an itchy rash on all areas exposed to sun. No burning, just tiny raised itchy bumps. It's making me crazy! Like I've become allergic to the sun.
One possibility is photosensitization from something you are eating, from a supplement you are taking (e.g. St Johns Wort is known for doing this, but so do a lot of other things), or from liver dysfunction. Does any of that ring any bells?

Good luck,



Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Nope, not on BC pills. No supplements except for a B12+, Vitamin D a couple times a week and EmergenC a few times a week.
I'll have to pay attention to what I ingest this week and see if anything rings a bell. Gosh I hope it's not a liver problem - I'd probably have other issues if it was though.
I used aloe on it immediately and it didn't help at all. It was so weird. I was red, but the redness faded as soon as I cooled off. Then I was just itchy. No sign of tan lines either :p
I have heard coconut oil applies topically can act like a sunscreen, but I have not tested that. I eat plenty of it, and use it to moisturize when needed.
I found this:

# Polymorphous light eruption
In this form of photosensitivity, itchy and red rashes usually form in the first few days of summer with intense sun exposures. As the season continues and with more sun exposures, the skin becomes resistant to rash breakouts.

Maybe this is what it is. I guess time and more sun exposure will tell. I'm going to drop the Vitamin D for now and just get it from the sun.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Many people get melanomas where the sun don't shine. Why do you think this happens?

Maybe because the sun exposure doesn't have jack to do with it.
Exactly. Abi's friend Dar died of melanoma. The girl was pasty and never went out in the sun. Her tumors weren't even in a place the sun would have been able to get to unless she became a nudist.

I take vitamin D3. D2 is what you want to avoid. I was outside for 2 hours with no sunscreen last week. I didn't even get pink.

Sunscreen never worked for me but I kept trying it for years. I would apply and reapply and burn anyway. Not only was it a waste of money, some studies show that the ingredients in sunscreens CAUSE cancer.

I threw all of that crap out. I take my D in Winter and enjoy the sun all summer :D

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