old fashioned
Almost Self-Reliant
Momma hen hatched 8 baby chicks out of a 10 egg clutch.
We've already moved them to the nursery (nest box) to be in a more controlled environment instead of loose in the yard for safety sake. I've been keeping a close eye on everybody & noticed Momma hen has been teaching them to scratch & peck for food on the floor of the box more than eating out of the feeder. So now I wonder if I should move them again to an enclosed area of the yard so they have access to real dirt, but I'm not so sure if it's a good idea to keep moving them. Or can we put them out for an hour or so at a time but put them back in the box after? The box is getting kinda stinky
& needs a good cleaning out. Any thoughts or ideas on this????
Also, how long should I keep them 'locked up' before letting them out to free range permanently??? The rooster & other hen have been hanging out around the coop alot & seem to be curious about all the 'cheeping' going on, but I don't think they'd hurt the chicks & I'm pretty sure Momma hen would put them in their place if they got too close

Also, how long should I keep them 'locked up' before letting them out to free range permanently??? The rooster & other hen have been hanging out around the coop alot & seem to be curious about all the 'cheeping' going on, but I don't think they'd hurt the chicks & I'm pretty sure Momma hen would put them in their place if they got too close