New here!


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
I am all for breeders that want to make a new color... and go the route of breeding to make sure that the "variables" are all bred out.... as well as THE PROPER TYPE and Comb.... how many different "colors" of a certain breed have I been told something is... to only see that the bird has the totally WRONG type of comb... or wrong color legs and feet.... or a totally wrong body type.... Or white earlobes on an obviously body shaped "rock".... that was the funniest I think I have ever seen... and had the person tell me that it was definitely a columbian rock with bright white earlobes....cannot imagine how they got that combination as any of the mediterranean class have a totally different type and it is usually more dominant when crossed with american class... the tails and longer saddles are a dead giveaway.... it was funny when you just let it roll off your back because you are not going to convince these "experts".... And I am far from an expert....

Like the "BLUE" color in some... that results in sports of black, white, and splash... but it is a given....
I like the different colors on some of your silkies... and admire that you are trying to make them a possible addition to the standard...


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
I am all for breeders that want to make a new color... and go the route of breeding to make sure that the "variables" are all bred out.... as well as THE PROPER TYPE and Comb.... how many different "colors" of a certain breed have I been told something is... to only see that the bird has the totally WRONG type of comb... or wrong color legs and feet.... or a totally wrong body type.... Or white earlobes on an obviously body shaped "rock".... that was the funniest I think I have ever seen... and had the person tell me that it was definitely a columbian rock with bright white earlobes....cannot imagine how they got that combination as any of the mediterranean class have a totally different type and it is usually more dominant when crossed with american class... the tails and longer saddles are a dead giveaway.... it was funny when you just let it roll off your back because you are not going to convince these "experts".... And I am far from an expert....

Like the "BLUE" color in some... that results in sports of black, white, and splash... but it is a given....
I like the different colors on some of your silkies... and admire that you are trying to make them a possible addition to the standard...

This is what I breed to. Though I do have sports that are fun pets or used for photography. Plus my blue egg project which by my guess might reach completion around gen 8 to 10. Im only up to gen 4.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
I was hoping to find educational articles here. I'm not seeing any. Just threads. Am I not looking in the right spot?

Sorry for the thread hijack on chickens.

We post threads about subjects and then all add to it. No actual articles but sometimes the thread starter will structure the first post like one.

Yeah it makes it harder to find things sometimes. Searching by keyword in title will help bring up useful threads. Or ask and we can try and find the right one


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I'm on byc here and byh I have chickens but there more I want to learn on here and byh

with being a reader one part of learning any new thing for me was to go out and gather as many books as i could and then plow through them, skim some to get an idea of what i was getting into and then read the better written ones and try to learn as much as i could from other's experiences. now with the internet and youtube you have more dynamic and visual ways to pick up a lot so that can help too. the problem is finding people who actually also know what they're doing and sometimes it isn't always obvious that you're watching someone who's just starting out v.s. a really experienced person presenting what they know.

since i have very little experience with chickens or even raising birds (more with birds than chickens for sure but none of what i have done makes me an expert by a long mile) i'll never present myself as anything other than someone who watches birds and tries to pay attention to what wildlife can teach me. i do learn from reading chicken threads and topics or when people talk about them in passing, but i don't think i'll ever be keeping them myself (it's asking for trouble around here and i have enough of that asking going on as it already is with the gardens i grow).