Sustainability Master
Lol, like the Jetsons
Wisconsin's two seasons: winter, and road construction!Haha! Yep. I've been told that the name Or-E-Gon is an American Indian word for "Land of Eternal Road Repair"
Hi @Hardknockshomestead ! I'm sorry I missed you introduction post. I grew up in/near Eau Claire (@wyoDreamer I knew you were from WI but didnt realize how close!). I'm in Barron County now.
DH and I have 80 acres, just about half is rented tillable land. We have small sheep flock, couple pasture pet goats and 4 pet Silkies. We have had 9,000 sq ft garden but have had to scale back garden and livestock since my health isnt great and DH is so busy at work. I hope we can get back to growing more of our food.
Our biggest farm SS project is collecting equipment to make our own hay. We finally got all the pieces, and made our first baled hay - 55 squares. We need 200 - 300 bales per winter with our current flock size.
My SS project now is training a service dog that can help me get around more safely and predictably.
My 13 year old son (DS13) is helping me test my unheated greenhouse. It hasnt been a useful tool yet, we're struggling to manage temperature in it. Its working better now than in spring. There are some small leafy greens still growing. I'm trying to figure out at what outdoor temperatures I should start seeds in spring.
I'm excited to see someone close to me with similar / overlapping interests!
I would like to go on foraging hikes with someone who knows more than me. I know burdock - but have never tried eating it. Lamb's quarters. Hazelnut. Thats about it!There are probably many edibles on my property that I dont recognize.
I'm becoming interested in medicinal plants too. I've found that plant supplements are usually more helpful for me than medications. I'm a big fan of modern medicine, but its not very good at promoting health or managing chronic illnesses.