Wild Hare
I have some health problems that have been difficult to manage. I have trouble with bending/kneeling, standing, heat and direct sunshine. I have a big garden but havent gotten a harvest out of it for 2 years. I keep trying. Even if a garden isnt successful, its still good for me to try!i don't understand, why aren't you getting it done? you can do it, since 1970 i canned the way my mil law taught me, water bath and open kettle, was terrified of pressure canning, this year with husbands help, bought two pressure canners, a old presto canner( refurbished it our selves) and a new all american, like i said, with husbands help, getting the hang of the pressure canner, who knows, by the time i hit 75 i might even like it lol
if you can't plant a garden you can maybe find a farmers market or local auction and buy what you want to try, you can do it
i like going to the grocery store once in a while, thats where we see all our neighbors but i like going out to the garden and picking what i want to eat too and its so much better flavor wise and i even enjoy the hoeing
I am coveting an electric pressure canner since I cant use my big one by myself. When theyre in stock I will get one! I get a weekly produce box and could put up small batches. I have an electric water bath canner I can use. I set it up on the floor so I can sit down while using it.
DH hunts for venison and we raise lamb too. I have 4 pet chickens now - we are taking a break from meat birds.