New Moratorium On Political Threads & Posts


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
Nifty said:
How about a challenge: Prove that you can discuss non-politics in self moderation. If everyone goes for 1 month without any drama or reports of problems (as the forum is currently setup i.e., without politics) we'll allow a single political discussion of your choosing. If that discussion causes strife or reports we'll revert back to no-politics?

So, want to accept the challenge? :D
Sure, I'm up for the challenge. I'd love to see some honest discussion of a political nature, especially in areas that relate to SS and our environment.

Although it as been my experience, as Noobiechickenlady stated, that even the most benign conversations can deteriorate due to the "flat" medium we have. The hardest part of these forums is moderation, as I'm sure that you know all too well. As Cass Sunstein has been quoted to have said, "Sometimes people just need to be nudged in the proper direction". However, if moderation of a political discussion becomes too time consuming, then I would be the first to say lock it out. I do appreciate you being open to the possibility, though. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
Just an Idea here.

I believe politics has everything to do with selfsufficiency these days. and probably did back in the time of King Henry and King George too.

Being able to share information on politics I feel is essential for self sufficiency... Just look at the political nightmares some people go through just to have chickens in the yard.... for some people those chickens can mean the difference from a protien sufficient diet or not.... there are so many issues... if people like us are not informed on some of these topics we have a lot of ground to loose with the ever increaseing government controls especially in farming, seed and plant patents.

I suggest that a section of the board be made just for political issues. Put a sticky on to remind people to be civilized but also remind people that such threads are not for the faint of heart and you should only enter if you want to hear ALL sides of the issue.

make a list of what is not tolerated like
name calling
slanderous slurs
insults to members or their political allegiances
What else?

Get people to agree to keep such posts in that area. If a post pops up in another area that should be in the political area move it.

just an idea..........


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
I think its a decent idea, Mackay...I'm on several SS type forums and they do have a separate political "room", but are very stern in the sticky about playing nice.

One thing that happens in ALL forums, no matter the thread, is that we can't SEE each other, or HEAR each other. This lends to open interpretation of the written word. Some good, some bad. What is meant one way is taken just the opposite. Something to think about, JMO

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
North Central WV
Mackay said:
Just an Idea here.

I believe politics has everything to do with selfsufficiency these days. and probably did back in the time of King Henry and King George too.

Being able to share information on politics I feel is essential for self sufficiency... Just look at the political nightmares some people go through just to have chickens in the yard.... for some people those chickens can mean the difference from a protien sufficient diet or not.... there are so many issues... if people like us are not informed on some of these topics we have a lot of ground to loose with the ever increaseing government controls especially in farming, seed and plant patents.

I suggest that a section of the board be made just for political issues. Put a sticky on to remind people to be civilized but also remind people that such threads are not for the faint of heart and you should only enter if you want to hear ALL sides of the issue.

make a list of what is not tolerated like
name calling
slanderous slurs
insults to members or their political allegiances
What else?

Get people to agree to keep such posts in that area. If a post pops up in another area that should be in the political area move it.

just an idea..........
I would agree with this option.
I have to put my 2 cents in here,( although I don't think I have seen any of the political stuff yet so I don't know what is being censored here, and I haven't been around here for very long.)
The title of this thread made me go MMMM....????
I wondered if this web site was actually not based in the USA.

Excuse me for asking but, does the first amendment to the constitution of the USA not apply to the places on the internet? I am asking because now I really am confused.

I understand how it can get really bad because I read some of the controversial comments on Yuhoo!

It is not to my liking but that is the price for everybody being free to express themselves.

I was also drawn to this sufficient self community because of the religious beliefs that I have, and an awareness of the political scene of this world.

I think that is why many do try to become self-sufficient, because they realize what a lot of doo-doo this world is in. How can you separate the two?

I'm only a bystander and I don't really want to take sides in any political discussions, but I think others should be able to if they wish. I have very much enjoyed some of discussions on the emergency preparedness thread, and sometimes they really meander way out there. LOL! I guess you have to be a little ADD like me to appreciate them.

The guidelines set out above seem ok to me? Maybe? Yes? No?

I would not like to see profanity, hate or name calling.IMHO :idunno


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
I like Mackay's idea. Separate room with rules, and make sure the rules are understood by all......

If you step into that room, and into a conversation, you need to be prepared to read and not be offended by what others are thinking and saying.

EVERYBODY needs to understand that part............

Other than that, I'd be good with it. :thumbsup

Lady Henevere

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles County
Old Sew'n'Sew said:
The title of this thread made me go MMMM....????
I wondered if this web site was actually not based in the USA.

Excuse me for asking but, does the first amendment to the constitution of the USA not apply to the places on the internet? I am asking because now I really am confused.
No, the First Amendment does not apply to an internet site like this. The First Amendment applies only to governmental entities -- federal, state, and local governments in the U.S., and government-controlled entities in the U.S. such as public schools and universities, etc. (Keep in mind that the amendment was written in response to an oppressive government, and says, "Congress shall make no law..abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...." It has since been held to apply not only to Congress, but to other governmental entities as well.) Thus only the government is prevented from abridging free speech (and even then, free speech has limits). Private citizens, private organizations, private schools, etc.--including non-government owners of an internet site--can limit speech however they choose without restriction by the First Amendment.

Edited for clarity.


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Yup, what she said! ;)

We would love to be able to let the community govern itself, and we definitely do to a large extent. Unfortunately there are some instances and topics where this has proven impossible.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Nifty said:
Yup, what she said! ;)

We would love to be able to let the community govern itself, and we definitely do to a large extent. Unfortunately there are some instances and topics where this has proven impossible.
yep! what he said!

just to stir the pot a little (yikes!)....and throw in my $0.02.... i dont much like the poli discussions or the mud hole that some of become. most of us SS types are pretty strong willed and strongly opinionated....which leads to a certain amount of "oh yeah?" "yeah" "oh YEAH?" YEAH!"... and then it degrades quickly. there have been some really ugly things said here before the ban - and aint nobody was being misunderstood.

there are lots of place where you can talk about poli issues - so we can use them.

we are a really diverse group. i dont think you can paint the community with a broad brush and say we are all of the same mind and motivation why we are doing this SS thing. what we all have in common is the desire to learn and share skills. thats what makes this a great place.

to avoid witnessing some of the ugliness we've seen before i wont be visiting a poli discussion 'room' and its a sure bet some of the arguments will find their ways into other threads. best we stick to canning and pig hating to keep the peace. we are all in this together and arguing about who is right just divides.

and thats what i have to say about that.

Nifty, thanks for the great site and also Reinbeau who has her hands full with all of us.


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Ann's a rock star!


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
Ut hm.. not to get political, but public schools that receive federal funding must obey the first ammendment to a great extent.... when they dont they get in trouble.... but schools are permitted to draw the line in cursing, bigotry, iracism, incitation to commit violence etc.... and not to mention dress code!

Private schools have a broader range to do what they deem necessary or not.

But if administrators like this idea I think we need to really carefully think about the rules and be clear on them. I just wrote what came to mind ... surely there must be more?