NH Homesteader's first kidding season!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Well now that kidding season is over, I'll wrap it up here.

I had 5 does kid this year. Sold two, am drying one off so I will have two milkers this year (Sheesh!)

I had 11 kids, have sold 5. I am keeping 3 (one passed away). One doeling, one wether for meat and one wether to be Clifford's buddy until I get a second buck (then he will probably be meat too).

I've made enough money selling goats to cover what I paid for the adults I have left, or to cover hay for the year plus some infrastructure costs (I need cattle panels). The two doelings I have left will mostly cover the new doelings I'm buying.

Not a terrible first year... Next year I'll breed three unless any of the doelings are big enough to be bred as yearlings. Next year I won't have a human newborn either! It'll be a little more manageable!