Thanks, just a tiny bit of a headache left. We went from 90, sunny and humid Wednesday to 65 and rainy yesterday. Major weather swings get me!
Going good so far, they've got a bunch of the inside stuff taken apart. It's actually not currently a barn, but it will be one! Someone is taking part of the roof amd once they have the roof off it'll be big time moving time. We have lights, fans, wiring and even a breaker box for electricity!
You might end up with enough stuff to build a new house, lol! And, if you get anything you really don't need to use - sell it and buy stuff you DO need.
Yeah DH and a friend are taking it down together and splitting it half and half. The friend tried to get a little greedy and thought most of it was his.... Which was settled quickly lol, but DH is thinking we'll get a 16x16' barn minimum, which is plenty for the 3 does, kidding stalls and milking area. The boys will be in there this winter also. They will be SO happy to have a decent sized space to hide inside in bad weather. They're going to get wimpy on me!
One of my dorking pullets died. I am so upset. They're the only birds I really care about, breed wise, and we are down to one hen. Someone in their little flock is attacking the Dorkings. I think it's the cornishes. They've been separated. I am so sick of poultry and poultry issues this year. Glad my goats and pigs are doing well at least! Ughhh.
Due to our low hatch rates I think I'm going to give in and order 15 or so cornish crosses for a fall batch just so we have enough meat in the freezer.
Time to pull up my pea plants and put in some kale. I also read from a local gardening blog now is a good time to plant broccoli so I'll try, since I never got any planted this spring.