Well, DH took out the old nest boxes and we put 2 kitty litter buckets in each coop as nest boxes, he cleaned out both coops and brought all the litter to the compost pile and I put some fresh bedding in. Then I decided we should take both hoop coops, attach them and cover with plastic as the winter turkey coop. So we moved one of them up closer to where the barn is going, and we'll move the turkeys in the other one up that direction, since we move them to fresh grass regularly anyway.
Tonight I hope to catch the free rangers that have gone rogue and put them in with the Dominique roo (where they belong, lol) and expand the poultry netting on that side to fence them in the garden for now.
I just made an apple crisp and I'm currently waiting for DH to get home to eat dinner and dessert. I'm starving!
Oh and my mom dropped off a bag of apples for me to make applesauce so tomorrow I make applesauce! Getting towards the end of the season here...
It was good! We didn't get our chickens wrangled tonight, DH left for a few hours to finish a job he was working at and his mother showed up and graced me with her presence. Not a good evening for me! Anyway my night did not go as planned to say the least!
My mom's cat had a stroke or seizure or something weird today... Then couldn't walk for 10 minutes and now is fine. Poor DD was so confused. Very very strange. I thought he was acting weird and then that happened. He's only 3!
Well I got motivated this morning and fenced the big chickens in the garden. With poultry netting, for those concerned folks lol. Now I just need DH to help me catch the stragglers, and 4 of them go in the freezer (plus 4 cockerels) next weekend.
Off to make applesauce now.
Currently 48 degrees here, high of 51 today they say! It's chilly!