Almost Self-Reliant
I was curious, looked it up and split pea soup is a classic New England food lol. My mom loves it, my husband loves it.... I don't.
My husband doesn't understand why I'm irritated about the pig. Uh, because she was supposed to be gone 2 months ago? He and I don't function the same, which is fine because no two people are the same, but it can be really irritating. I like to make a plan and follow through, he won't plan ahead and then we end up stuck and/or scrambling. I love him dearly, but if he doesn't change the way he operates I have no interest in getting animals like pigs again. Chickens and turkeys can hang out until they're butchered because they're little and don't cost much to feed, but this pig thing.... Is ridiculous.
Grrrr grumpy pregnant lady... Gotta go get ready for my appointment. Wish me luck my blood pressure hasn't gone up!
Don't worry, it's not just you, and it's not just the pregnancy! I have the exact same issues with my DH. I try to balance out my frustration by remembering that his lack of planning also comes with the ability to go with the flow, and his lack of stress is %100 needed in this relationship because I have enough for both of us

So. Irritated. Drove all the way to my appointment, looked at my phone and they had called to cancel my appointment while I was driving there. My husband lost 4 hours of work so I could go, we have a storm coming in tomorrow and I just wasted over an hour of my time, plus gas money. And I can't reschedule for tomorrow because we're down to one vehicle until my Jeep is fixed. Not happy today.