Sweet! Goats sounds really cute and sometimes really gross at the same time! Looking at those faces though, I think the gross bits (and the annoying bits) is forgivable.
120 acres! What you could do on 120 acres! I'd sell my place and move into a portable building until I could build a house with the money from selling the current home. Whats to think about? Go!
I know, we have free access to the entire thing too. There are beaver ponds, they're cool. Also a ton of deer over there (yum!) There is a road in pretty far, water is easy to get to with a dug well... Definitely need a LGD over there though, it's pretty wild. The snowmobile trail runs through the property, which is great for us going snowmobiling but a lot of jerks cause trouble too. Also we can drive the 4 wheelers wherever we want up there. It's awesome. I'm going to ask DH to chat with his boss about how much it might cost to build a place. DH can do all the work, he can give us an estimate of material cost (we can use his discount). We have talked about putting in a small place that is set up to be added on to as we can...
Oh man - that would be AWESOME! This is property right next door - right? Couldn't ya'll stay in your house and DH can build a bit at a time? I mean geeze - he does so much for other folks that he should be able to get some 'pay back' from his buddies. That would be soooo cool!!!
Oh we are the same, except the snowmobile trails. Landowners give permission for the trails to go through their property. There are the occasional issues though. And no fences, not many around have their property fenced. Also land that is not posted is open to hunters. Common courtesy usually prevails though and people do ask.
My parents are closing on their house on Monday. So we just got the last of the stuff that belongs to us out of there, including the 3 million pound antique player piano (not exaggerating, lol). Only other mission today is fixing up a better mineral feeder for the GG's.
Nothing super interesting, they all hsve PVC feeders. Just needed another one. Also tried to give them some copper (emptied a bolus and split it in half). Only one would eat the banana I stashed the rods in. So, half success!
My mom just texted me that a deer attacked their dog. Apparently, it is not a good idea to surprise a mama deer. Oops!