Sustainability Master
Sure that's not Texans in a "snowmeggedon" of 2"?
This looks like Ireland every time we get snow. Or ice. Last winter they told everyone to just stay off the roads and then, as an extra precaution, insurance companies said they will not cover vehicles during the heavy snow, period. You out there? You're on your own. Sucked for the guy that crashed into a pole in front of my house...We had hail today. DH was driving home in it and he said everyone was moving about 12mph. Every fall people forget how to drive in winter... the first few storms are interesting. Oh wait... they're like this....
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My sore throat is back. Again, no other symptoms (except a migraine today) and no one else is having any issues. Ugh!
That sounds good. The two sheep we butchered in the past (please don't ask me what breed they were, I have NO ideaShetlands are really small and slow growing so you might be underwhelmed with them for meat. We will raise some to butcher but we don't mind the size , easier to handle!
They are truly's a good thing they don't weigh 200 lbs - they'd be eating US!No other creature I know of is so nasty they try to eat their friends alive. Ugh!
I feel that pain...I just left the feed store...goats are expensive!