Well DH is off to the mountain to make snow. I'm thrilled, really, lol. His dog is a wreck when he's gone and she drives me nuts!
Got some more packing done today, DH still needs to move the hoop house and hay.... because that'll be fun... we're supposed to get 6" of snow Friday. Also fun?
All the chickens decided they live in the barn now. Whatever, DH can deal with that this weekend. I hate free range chickens!
Oh boy... the pre-new house chores are starting to get real now. And, they're made even more fun/challenging with the weather. Geeze...
Silly chickens!
A farmer friend of mine, who is a farrier, has a client who has to disperse of their sheep flock ASAP due to quickly deteriorating health issues. He's taking their full size sheep and offered me their little Shetland crosses.... for free.... hmm...
I figure if I'm going to try raising sheep I don't want to spend a bunch of money in case I hate it (or screw up lol) so this would be a good start. I'll keep them in quarantine for a while but he says they're healthy so... I'm not afraid of taking them on. If DH approves I probably will take them. There's like 5-6 of them, he couldn't remember... mostly ewes, and a wether I think. No ram. I don't want to breed now anyway. I have extra hay for the winter even...