Yay my sheep fought back and now they're all sharing hay! Unfortunately one wether is now being bossed around pretty bad (by everyone) but he'll be in the freezer soon.
They're headed out now to prep our house to move it. Yay! Unfortunately they may have to cut our sewage lines in the process so we may be moving um.... now. Lol. Oh well, half our stuff is out anyway.
They should be moving my house this morning... we slept at my parents' last night. I use the term "slept", though I hardly did that. Between the kids and the dogs (and myself, lol) it's not easy to change where we sleep! DH's crazy dog slept with DD1, it was awfully cute!
I'm drinking buckets of coffee while DH deals with whatever is going on up at our house!
Coffee in AM -- and you may want something stronger at night!!! After kiddos & mom all day.
This is super thrilling that they are really, truly, absolutely -- going to move one out, which means another comes in!! This is exciting for us, so I know you are beyond believing it (except for the visit at moms )