Propane guy is coming Tuesday, they're still planning on setting the house Monday if the slab is ready (it should be). DH has to slaughter 4 pigs for a friend tomorrow, the rest of the weekend we have to finish emptying the old house. Monday they'll also move that. The truck driver is not enjoying our road, it Is sketchy and icy right now!
Just met with the house guy and signed paperwork. They're setting the house Monday, electrician will be there Monday or Tuesday, propane guy Tuesday, he plans to have us in by Christmas still. He's such a nice guy. His daughter is a pig and cattle farmer. He said he didn't want to sell this house, he already turned down someone who wanted to buy it but he made an exception for us.
It's a gorgeous day out!
I really think the air quality in our old place was getting to me. I'm starting to feel much better already despite our current unfortunate living situation.