Looking at the forecast, it's getting difficult to find a day to butcher! Too cold! We have 2 pigs (one is a friend's) and a goat. And I need the goat gone ASAP. He's Pattys from last year and he was not easy to wean,I'm afraid he'll steal milk from the new babies!
I'm thinking about long range homestead goals, I think I need to sit down and write ideas down. I have 5 acres, plus access to my parents adjoining 25. But a lot of it is brush. And I need LGD's before I use most of the land, it's where the coyotes run through. So DH and I need to talk land clearing and fencing. We haven't done much because we weren't sure if we were staying, but now we are so, time to get thinking!
Your goats would help clear. CPs and the goats back in barn at night? No LGDs for a while...a little at a time? I understand sheep will forage, also. Don't know, never had any. Also pigs will clear out some woods!
Hope the kids are settling in and will begin developing better sleep habits now.
No, no fencing at all. We'd like to fence our 5 acres. Beyond that we'd likely bring them out during the day and back at night. Most sheep breeds aren't great at eating brush but the primitive breeds like mind will.
Yes too cold on the hands to butcher, also too cold to hang overnight which we like to do.
Wahoo, on to the next round! I won't be able to watch the game though, we have to go to my parents to watch games and 6:40pm start time is a bit late for littles!
One of my dogs has to be crated when we leave because she has separation anxiety and shreds the house. Anyway I noticed last night her gums looked inflamed and when I peeked in there (she's so good at letting me mess with her mouth!) It appears that she's filed down her teeth trying to escape her crate . On top of the broken tooth she has, I'm so worried she's going to lose some teeth at her next vet visit poor dummy dog.