garden pixy
Lovin' The Homestead
I have a Christopher & a Jacob, also known as Chris & Jake. Can't get more common or obvious nicknames than that, lol.
same hereORChick said:I have an unusual name, not unique, but very seldom found in this country, and not all that often even in Ireland where it came from. I have been in the same room with another person with the same name not more than 5 times in my almost 60 years. It is also very short, so it doesn't get shortened, though it sometimes gets purposefully mispronounced (more often the mispronunciation is inadvertent). I'm also a redhead (or was) so I got called *freckles* a lot. But as a child I did NOT like having an unusual name. Now I appreciate that when I hear my name I know that it is me being addressed, but in grade school it would have been nice to have had an *ordinary* name like my friends. My brothers all have unusual names as well - all 3 were given surnames from back in the family tree. All can be shortened to more *ordinary* sounding names, but none of my brothers chose to do that, insisting in fact to have people call them by their given names.