Rest in Peace 1980-2020
My son has a sweet little hen, she's about 7 months old now… Started laying just a few weeks ago and hasn't shown much interest in going broody, though she is vicious when she's laying!
About a month ago, I took in a broody with 4 chicks. About a week ago, mom decided she had enough, the chicks are old enough to fend for themselves and they are doing great! They mingle well with the rest of the flock, everyone's mostly o.k. with having them around… Last night I closed them up and found them snuggled up with DS's little hen and thought that was too cute… This morning I tossed some treats for them and heard the unmistakeable broody cluck-cluck, come here, there is food! But we don't have a broody..? I fetched some more treats and tossed it out and watched. Who would be clucking and calling and mothering those chicks but my son's little hen? Mothering her sweet heart out on those youngsters
I've been keeping chickens for about 10 years now and I have seen just about everything broody behaviour, but nothing like this! She is all over those chicks. Nevermind she wasn't broody, never mind they are about 2 months old and not hers, she's "mommy" now!
About a month ago, I took in a broody with 4 chicks. About a week ago, mom decided she had enough, the chicks are old enough to fend for themselves and they are doing great! They mingle well with the rest of the flock, everyone's mostly o.k. with having them around… Last night I closed them up and found them snuggled up with DS's little hen and thought that was too cute… This morning I tossed some treats for them and heard the unmistakeable broody cluck-cluck, come here, there is food! But we don't have a broody..? I fetched some more treats and tossed it out and watched. Who would be clucking and calling and mothering those chicks but my son's little hen? Mothering her sweet heart out on those youngsters