NoobieChickenLady's Journal - SS Score and Mah Kitteh is HOME!! Yay!

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Hi Noobie!

Congrats on your new goats to be!! :weee

Oh my small town feed store has goats for sale right you know how hard it is for me to drive past them every week?????

I am having a tough time finding a ram for my sheep. I wish they were easier to come by b/c I too want my own source of raw milk!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Thank you!! I've still got the permi-grin from this weekend.

Your feed store has goats?? Goat Fever!!

There were a pair of Katahdin rams in the Mississippi Market Bulletin this week, but I doubt you'd want to make that sort of drive :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
We picked up our two ladies Sunday afternoon. The horse trailer we were to borrow was out of state, so we had to use a large dog crate. It worked, but thankfully we didn't have very far to drive once we got them loaded.

Dixie said her hair was a mess and wanted no pictures taken today. She actually ran behind the pool to get away while I had the camera out. Once I put it away, she was back at the gate, calling for me to come & play.

Here is Shadow, my shadow from the first visit. She's not Dixie's sister as I thought, she's her daughter. That works :love

I got a pint of milk from Dixie before she tired of my technique and started kicking. After trying to settle her without any sucess, I let her down, refusing be upset (I am the boss goat, I am the boss goat, I am the boss goat!) From reading others adventures in beginning milking, thats pretty darn good!
We'll try again tonight. Those years in FFA are coming in handy!!

They are both a bit lonely, coming from such a large, family herd to my backyard with only an excited wether for company. They did find the rabbits interesting, the rabbits did not return the opinion.

I did take possession of my mother's "brush goat", since they are having a hard time keeping him entertained. He was so excited to see more goats he was jumping around like a kid & galloping around the yard. Dixie was not impressed, and firmly rebuked him when he dared come into her presence, but Shadow seemed to like running about with him. He's being very gentle with her. I put Dixie and Shadow in the old chicken coop, new goat house last night, just to make sure they wouldn't try to leave until they get used to our place. She wouldn't let Lucky into the house, but that didn't deter him. He slept right outside the house & was raring to go when I let the girls out this morning.

I traded 3 blueberry bushes for the construction of a milking stand. I was in too much of a hurry this morning to snap any pictures but it looks very nice. Still need the latch for the headstock, but a little tie wire worked in a pinch. I'm pleased with it & it's the perfect size for Dixie. She likes to lean away & have the milker lean into her side, so I placed it against the house. Its plenty wide enough for me to sit on & milk her.

Raw milk, here I come!!!

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
noobiechickenlady said:
We picked up our two ladies Sunday afternoon. The horse trailer we were to borrow was out of state, so we had to use a large dog crate. It worked, but thankfully we didn't have very far to drive once we got them loaded.

Dixie said her hair was a mess and wanted no pictures taken today. She actually ran behind the pool to get away while I had the camera out. Once I put it away, she was back at the gate, calling for me to come & play.

Here is Shadow, my shadow from the first visit. She's not Dixie's sister as I thought, she's her daughter. That works :love

I got a pint of milk from Dixie before she tired of my technique and started kicking. After trying to settle her without any sucess, I let her down, refusing be upset (I am the boss goat, I am the boss goat, I am the boss goat!) From reading others adventures in beginning milking, thats pretty darn good!
We'll try again tonight. Those years in FFA are coming in handy!!

They are both a bit lonely, coming from such a large, family herd to my backyard with only an excited wether for company. They did find the rabbits interesting, the rabbits did not return the opinion.

I did take possession of my mother's "brush goat", since they are having a hard time keeping him entertained. He was so excited to see more goats he was jumping around like a kid & galloping around the yard. Dixie was not impressed, and firmly rebuked him when he dared come into her presence, but Shadow seemed to like running about with him. He's being very gentle with her. I put Dixie and Shadow in the old chicken coop, new goat house last night, just to make sure they wouldn't try to leave until they get used to our place. She wouldn't let Lucky into the house, but that didn't deter him. He slept right outside the house & was raring to go when I let the girls out this morning.

I traded 3 blueberry bushes for the construction of a milking stand. I was in too much of a hurry this morning to snap any pictures but it looks very nice. Still need the latch for the headstock, but a little tie wire worked in a pinch. I'm pleased with it & it's the perfect size for Dixie. She likes to lean away & have the milker lean into her side, so I placed it against the house. Its plenty wide enough for me to sit on & milk her.

Raw milk, here I come!!!
Woo Hoo!! I am so happy for you!!!


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
You got a great garden and goats now !!! I'm jealous, but enjoying it vicariously, so post lots of pics. Shadow is a great name for that adorable little girl.
Are y'all drinking all that fresh milk, or will you be making cheese too?


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Thank you ladies :D
DL, DH and I enjoyed that first bit of milk in our coffee this morning. There was enough left for each of the kids to have a generous few swallows. Thumbs up all around, although DH said it tasted cheesy when he drank some straight. Cheesy? Okaaaaay.... :rolleyes:

I need to post some more pictures of my garden, I'm rather proud of it. Oh yeah, kale! I harvested my first bunch of kale, this winter was the first time I tried growing it. Oh My Goodness it was so good! Cooked within 10 minutes of harvest, eaten less than 5 minutes later :drool


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
you ARE the boss goat!

yay you!! and what a trade for the milk stand!!!

just so's ya know... i love the milk in everything...but coffee... dont know what the deal is but to my taste i think its a little weird. so i skip milk and go directly for cream.

when you get a chance try "goat-meal" (oatmeal made with goat milk) and goat-shakes... or goat-puccinos!

yay you!!!!


you are the boss goat you are the boss goat you are the boss goat!

edited b/c i typetoofast

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