NoobieChickenLady's Journal - SS Score and Mah Kitteh is HOME!! Yay!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
I love raw broccoli! And raw cauliflower, cabbage, carrots & bell peppers. Celery, tomatoes, cucumber, asparagus, lots of greens, peas, even green beans. I cut my baby teeth on raw carrots, celery & cabbage cores. All I need is a little salt on almost any raw veggie and I'm set. :drool
Sugar snap peas & hummus does sound good mmmmm


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
3.75 lbs last night 3.92 this morning. I apparently had dangIdon'twanttobeatworkitis yesterday.
Snuck a taste of the feta last night, just a little crumb. Its a bit drier than store bought, but still tasty.

It is becoming readily apparent on the RIR which are female & male, not so much on the EEs. Judging by behavior only, I'd say about half of them are male. But, even the ones I know are male are very laid back. The RIR males are meeeean. We were transfering them from the tractor back to their big huge box last night and several of them took pecks at me "Take that intruder!" You know, if they were bigger, it just might actually hurt. One latched on to the web between my thumb & forefinger and shook it like a dog. He might be first. Grrrr

OH OH!! I almost forgot, we have rabbit babies! One of the ladies was bred the day I got them, it was coming up on her time to kindle, and I noticed a lot of fur in the hutch, so we brought her inside & stuck her in the defunct shower. Made her a nest area & plugged in a small fan to keep her some circulation going. She has 2 babies right now, had them overnight. I was expecting more, but perhaps there will be more babies when I get home. I hope she's a good mom :fl

We really have to get busy on the separate hutches, DH is going to work on some wire cages today & tomorrow. Yes, I know... we shouldn't keep them together. I got distracted by goats & milking :p

Still, we have at least 3-4 we need to cull, I sure do not want 6 females & 2 males multiplying! :ep

ETA - DH just called, there are 4 babies now!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Well, we have 6 baby rabbits. She's young this is her first kindle so I don't see a problem with only 6. She's doing well, other than knocking her feed over every single day. She's fairly protective of the babies, I've been able to stroke her, get a little fur in my hand then pick up a baby to look them over. When I brought the kids in for a tiny peek, she hopped back on the nest & covered the babies up.

5 of them will be white with black body splotches, ears & eyeliner. The other I believe will be solid white. These are mutt rabbits, part New Zealand, part California, maybe part something else. No picture, too dim in her area for a good picture.

We got one pen cut out & figured out before hunger, dark and mosquitoes drove us indoors. The rest will go smoother now that we know what we are doing. We'll get all the breeders their own pen, clean out the old hutch & return to the original plan of using it as a grow out area. Either that, or use it for a buck hutch.

Dixie is holding steady with her production and is starting to fill back out. I'm thinking that when I make my rounds of the property I will take the goats with me, lots for them to browse on, they'll keep me company and I won't have to cut as many branches for them. They follow me inside the fence as it is.

Speaking of rounds of the property, look what I picked yesterday :cool: These are on a southeast facing slope, so they are ripening faster than the others. My dewberry patch has almost tripled in size from last year thanks to the birds sitting on my fenceline & spreading seed, plus the creepers from last year. Even sharing at least half the harvest with deer & birds last year I got 2 gallons of berries, I hope to get many, many more this year. Mmm, pie, mmmm jelly, mmmm wwwwiiiiinnnnne!

More cheese this weekend for sure. Prob a moz, since I have only done that with store milk. Gave my best guy friend a quart to take home for his boys, the mother poured it out without letting them have any, because "Goat milk is nasty!" :tongue


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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yep i get that all the time - the wrinkled nose and the IIIICCCK. um.. have you had any? no. well then....

oh well. i'm having a goat-pucinno right now.

great work on milking and berrying and all that!

oh ... you know, when i made feta i just put it in the back of the fridge for several months (brining) before i even tried it.. might get better with age. but definitely made the fresh chevre.. i had some this morning



Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Hahaha, OFG I gave my mom some to try, like, 1/2 a pint since she did the wrinkled up nose eeeewwww thing. She LIKES it! :lol: I tried very hard to not say "Told Ya!!"

Already know those boys love it, they had it over here one day. It has more cream in it! Cream is gooooood :D

Java, you know it feels really good to crawl into bed knowing you actually did something that day :) I want more home hours, I hate being at the office all day!!!

On that note, last year when DH was driving a truck, I approached management about working from home part time. Working 8-2 in the office, then another 3 hours at my own choosing at home. Didn't fly. No way, Jose. We'd have to offer it to others as well, others have already had a similar request turned down, blah blah blah.

Dinosaurs. I work on a COMPUTER. I lay out ads on an internet based program. I communicate with EVERYONE via email & phone. I access EVERYTHING via a network that can be installed on my home computer & has been installed on other folks home computers. Management is able to work from home, at least a few of them do it from time to time. If they can be effective, I can too. I already work with little to no supervision, get my job done & still go looking for work to do. All they are doing by keeping me working in the office is making their light & internet bill go up and making me cranky and dislike having to actually be in the office.

So anyways, the counter offer was to reduce to part time, 8-2 only. Any other work that HAD to be done could be done at home on an as needed basis. Granted, I could charge way more for those hours, but the days/weeks/months that there was no extra work, I'd be up poo creek.

Soooo, that offer is still on the table. If we can get our expenses cut down enough, I will take it and have those extra hours at HOME. Just seems like it's two steps forward and at least 1 step back. At least I'm not backing up I guess :p


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Hey Noobie :frow

Lots going on at your place....the goats sound like they are doing really well and you too! Cheese, milk, yogurt, oh my!

Congrats to your hubby on his feed bag....I had to really work to choke mine down at first. Free gave me the idea of dropping something yummy at the bottom for a reward, small pieces of cheese and kalamata olives worked well and helped me get to the bottom of the bag. :thumbsup


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Hiya Dace! We do seem to have a lot going on, little things keep slipping by me, like making the bed or washing a load of dishes, combing my hair. Stuff like that, you know :p

I stuck him some extra sharp cheddar in the bottom of the bag, along with a couple slices of pepperoni and some chili peppers. I will leave out the broccoli for a few days. He's a bit picky, took me almost a year to get him to try fresh steamed asparagus. Had a bad experience with canned :sick

So yeah, no bell peppers, no celery. He does like olives, maybe I'll get some to put in there. Any suggestions? Jicama he's not too fond of, but he really likes raw asparagus, zuchinni, yellow squash, carrots, greens & sugar snap peas. No cucumber, either. Mushrooms, he likes them! Tomatoes, cauliflower... I'm at a loss though. It was easy filling my bag, cause I like lots of different veggies. I don't want to give him the same thing everyday, that got boring for me, and I know it will for him.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Well, you are asking the wrong person because my bag was carrots, cuke & red bell pepper :sick no wonder I hated it!

I do really well on salads, I can cram a lot of stuff in there, but the feed bag and eating plain ol veggies was a D R A G!

I can't think of any veggies that you are forgetting, I think that is a pretty good assortment. He is a lot less picky than me!

You ought to be proud of him :thumbsup


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Maybe that's what I'll do, just set him up salads in a bag. He put Italian dressing on it anyways :rolleyes:

I am proud of him, I decided to leave him alone about diet, weight and health. He came to me & asked about "that veggie thing you did." :lol:

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