NoobieChickenLady's Journal - SS Score and Mah Kitteh is HOME!! Yay!


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
NCL - Ann posted a great link on her facebook page.

Why you don't want to buy organic eggs at the grocery store.

Its a great article and tells lots of truths. Maybe you should print it out and give it to your friend. Make a few notes about how you do it differently than even organic growers do.

I have lots of trouble with folks and their idea of rabbits as food.

I think the problem is that in this day and age, rabbits have become house pets for so many people they can not be objective about them being food. Kind of like eating deer meat is difficult for people who say "Oh, how can you eat Bambi?"

Funny - those same people have no problem NOT thinking about Charlottes poor Wilbur when it comes to eating bacon, or Daisy or Minnie Moo when they bite into that hamburger.

As for the milk issues. Good luck with transforming people to that idea. Either they discover or come to the realization on their own. Goats are after all nasty stinky creatures. All our lives we have been conditioned to think cows milk is the perfect food made more perfect by pasturaztion. If you don't believe me just ask the USDA and the Dairy Board. ;)

Its just all in conditioning and how open minded you are.

But whatever you do - don't stop trying.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Thank you! I really enjoyed that article. Oh, and that reminds me. The farmer's market (really just a produce store, not a market) carries UNWASHED fresh eggs. Now, I won't be buying eggs unless I have to, we haven't had eggs in quite a while until I had to try Abi's guac eggs & bake that cake. But still, that's good to know they are available and that folks know the difference.

I really agree and to tell the truth, I am thankful that my dad took me out & made me get over my fear of killing an animal for food. I really do not do well as a vegetarian, I have no energy. Even if I eat lots of eggs, cheese & milk to get my fats, there is something about a nice big steak or chicken enchiladas. And honestly, when it comes to rabbit the old saying really is true. It tastes like chicken. :drool

People all over Europe eat rabbit all the time, Germans, English, heck the French enjoy a nice horse steak. People in Asian countries eat dog. The Philipino tribe that my pastor lived with for years considered it a delicacy to find a large constrictor & roast it underground. They would also do things to cow carcasses that I really don't feel up to talking about. :sick

But it tasted good to them! And it was part of their culture.

Its all about perspective and you are so right, so many have lost it when it comes to food. Don't eat that one, its too smart. Ummm that bacon is smarter. Don't eat that one, its too cute. Well, baby animals of all types are cute, what does that have to do with anything?


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I haven't been able to read much here over the past 2-3 weeks, I jump in when I can until my computer says "no more for today!" So I missed why you are feeding her kids....babysitting?

I used to buy white bread and soda and such when I was feeding guests, but no more. I finally decided that if I had to eat what I consider to be garbage at their houses, and be polite about it, they can do the same at my house for-goodness-sakes!!! AND BE POLITE ABOUT IT!!! What a freeing epiphany that was. Besides, how could I serve stuff I knew was toxic to a friend? So I put my stuff before them and say....take a small serving to see if you like it, and if you don't finish anything, that is ok, I will not be insulted.

Everyone finds something to eat from what I put out, and ALL of them enjoy it. Sometimes I don't tell them what it is. Or I say...see if you can guess the secret ingredient! :D

We had a "healthy" cookout last year and it was a potluck. My healthy food was treated suspiciously, then I watched as most people went back for larger seconds. ;)

HA! I win!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Thankfully, the kids that I babysit (on occasion now, not regularly!) eat whatever I give them and they don't ask what it is. They know it is good or I wouldn't be feeding it to them and they trust me. Well, they don't ask unless they want mommy to make it ;)

These kids were over for DD's birthday party & their dad stayed to eat dinner (hasenpfeffer or rabbit with peppers). Their dad had told them we would be eating rabbit, they went to mom about it (all before hand) and so it began.

Turns out she had a pet rabbit when she was young and it died and she's never gotten over it. I understand, but all the rest? She's got them so suspicious about anything we have, so if I invite their dad over and he brings the kids to play with mine, weeelllll...

Another thing I just found out tho, their uncle feeds them rabbit all the time. Wild rabbit that he has hunted. He's their favorite uncle so maybe I'll talk to him and see if he'll talk to the boys.

I don't want to feed anyone poison either, that's why its not in my house! You want junk food, you bring it and please don't give any to my kids. They have allergies ;)

I try not to make an issue of anything, especially when we go over to their house and get offered junk, but when it turns personal...

I want to say "Honeyboys, your mom is a walking heart attack and you know it. Why would you listen to anything she says about food?" But I'm not that mean...

I'd say it to her before I badmouth her in front of the boys. Now, if I could just find a way to say it somewhat nicely...


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
hey just poppin' in here...

just so's ya know.. you are describing my sister. my OWN sister talks crap about us and how we live and what we eat....and no they wont eat any of our food. not even the BUTTER i made!!!! so i tell them they can bring their own food when they come.

and i quit taking anything to them. i found out they just throw it away anyway - with as much hard work i put into it!?!? no way i'm giving them anything more. one time they didnt even have grocery money and they wouldnt take our fresh eggs, milk, or meat.

she's over weight, a smoker, and a walking heart attack. 2 of her kids are overweight and i've never seen them drink anything but soda. they eat food out of boxes and yes they are all on at least 2 prescriptions and wonder why they are always sick.


Free is right. make your own food and everyone has the option of having what she sent.... or eating a cheese sandwich if they don't like it.

but between you and me... i'd say that gal has a bigger problem with you being friends with her man.

so let it go and since he is your friend, dont make an issue out of it. never a good answer for sure. people change VERY slowly.

but its VERY hard when people you love make you feel bad about what you are doing... so i totally get it.

just hang in there and keep on keepin' on

onward and upward!


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
I agree that she probably doesn't like you being friends with him. Hopefully, he wont be under her thumb enough to give up good friendships over it.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I'd eat your food any day of the week....and truly, deeply appreciate all the hard work and sacrifice and study, research, knowledge and love that went into every bite!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
*blush* Thanks, Free! That means a lot :)

She really doesn't like me being friends with him, but we've been friends for longer than either of us have been married. He's close friends with DH too. So that's not going to change. Really, she's just a b%^&h and has been for a while. This is just a new viciousness.

She can send over the food she wants her kids to eat. Soon enough they will get tired of eating mac & cheese while we eat Portabella florentine with fresh eggs, spinach & nitrate free bacon. Or drinking water while dad gets a nice cold glass of milk and exclaims over how good it is (rare sodas in this house now) Or avoiding yummy homemade goat's milk ice cream. I don't think I realized just how badly they ate until now. She always cooks fresh (or he grills when we go over) so I never realized the boys eat poptarts for breakfast when they don't eat at school & make their own lunches with lunchmeat, processed cheese & white bread. Typical modern American family I suppose, I must have had blinders on.

We had a talk, my friend and I and came to the above conclusion.

My friend, he's the most helpful, fun loving, cheerful guy, she really doesn't know what she's got. He keeps their lawn immaculate, he spends a LOT of time with the boys, wrestling, doing homework and does all the disipline. He has come over on several occasions & just started cutting my grass, before I ever even knew he was there. He's helped us build stuff, lends me a hand with the goats when he's over, just because he likes them. He can have whatever foods he wants when he comes over.

ANYways, life goes on :lol:

I got put on my butt by a wether this morning. He was boucing around, spinning, acting a fool and twirled right into my midsection. At least I didn't get caught by a hoof. I still have bruises on my calves from clipping Dixie's hooves over a week ago!

I harvested 3 tomatoes (1 brandywine, 2 german queen) and was given 6 small cucumbers yesterday. So I made a Lebanese salad. Chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, diced garlic, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 of olive oil, salt & pepper. Very simple, very tasty!

And I am going to be drowning in blackberries! A friend and I went to a new patch that was just starting to get ripe. I found them while I was browsing for scrounged building materials. The patch is at least 100' long and over 20' wide. They really are just starting and we managed to pick 2 gallons just from the edges. Next time we go later this week, we'll take a machete and a few boards to manuever the bushes. There were tons we simply couldn't get to. I already have 5 gallons in the fridge, I will simply have to make wine, I cannot eat that much jam! :lol:

I got a line on some apples & plums as well.

Aaaand, one of my roos crowed this weekend, I forgot to mention that. He sounded like something being strangled, but he got the whole Cockle doodle doo out. And one of the lady RIR sang the egg song. No egg... I guess she was practicing? :p

edited for typo

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