Oh, I'm demented alright, but yes, they are for meat.
As for types, no clue. They are an assortment of the males from the brown egg layers. They were .50 each When they get a little older, I'll post some pics for identifying. I've got 4 or 5 different types.
That reminds me of a conversation with my sister when she was visiting. She was trying to tell me that no oils are good for you, just that some aren't bad as others, after I had greased up a frying pan pretty heavily with raw coconut oil. She didn't believe anything I had to say on the subject. :/
Not to poke fun, but that person on your FB saying they only eat every other day??? Good gravy the poor thing! I'm finding that rather hard to believe really.
I must have missed that! Or was this a while back?
Yeah, like free said, the whole fat issue has been preached so long it will take forever for re-education. Even new doctors are speaking it as god's honest truth.
Oh, I forgot to tell my fat-friendly friends about this. I went to the dentist last week and we were discussing my diet. I'm seeing a dentistry school, so I have a student (final year) and 2 teachers who are working on my case. 1 teacher is American, the other is a 7th year immigrant from Britain, I forget where, but he has a lovely accent. The American doc expressed horror over my raw milk, lots of eggs, plenty of butter & full fat dairy. The British doc was estatic! "American's don't know how to eat!" he said. He also said that if I'd been on that diet since young, I wouldn't have the problems with my teeth that I have now.
I told him about Weston Price Foundation, and learning from the fine ladies on this forum and he congratulated me I almost shed a tear
GAH! I see that now. Are you facebook stalking me?
I don't know that chick, but I do know folks with that mentality. If I eat less often, the junk I pay waaay too much for won't cost as much. And then they wonder why they stay sick... Or fat. Or both.
I want to give that chick a hug and show her how it works, ya know? Come here and let Auntie show you how to soak beans.
There are people that practice intermittent fasting as part of a high fat/low carb diet. Since they do not limit calories, it seems to work fine with no ill effects. As part of a high carb diet that would be a disaster!
There are also people who practice CRON. You'll have to google it.
I don't know, this person was saying that boycotting processed foods is fine for those who can afford it, but not for people like her who can barely afford clothing. That she takes what she can get.
I think we need to send her from fresh eggs, raw milk, and some fresh free range chicken.
Oh yeah, intermittant fasting can be very good for your body, as long as you take care. I think it's good for the soul, too
Calorie Restriction, Optimal Nutrition. Hmmm, more reading, thanks!
Yeah, somehow I doubt this chick is doing that... And I KNOW that the two friends I have who don't eat nearly enough aren't either.
No breakfast, little lunch, little dinner. Several days go by. Then they freak out & eat a giant, loaded, baked potato because they are starving, gain 5 pounds and pass out in a sugar coma.
I make no headway... All I can do is live an example. That's really all you can do for anything, I suppose. That and keep talking.
It does seem I butt heads with folks about food a lot...
Still, size 6 jeans
2 friends so far have really listened, 1 said "You're right, I lost 6 pounds so far and I don't want to chew my husband's leg off." Told her to get her levels checked at the health department so she could see how her body liked being healthy
I went and had them check my cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate & weight, just standard stuff. It cost me $5 to get that done.
I have a older glucose meter of my mom's & I checked my blood sugar 4 times a day for a week to get an idea of my highs & lows. I used to run a teensy bit high, in the upper 90s to low 100s. Lately it's been between 83 & 88. Since I have a family history, I like to keep a check on it anyways.
ETA: I want to say they did hemaglobin and cell counts too. Red & white cell counts.