Normally, around this time of year, we.....


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
We usually start working on thngs for the winter in May. We start in May and work backwards. menaing we knock off months coming up. thru the winter. Work really slow to zero here.

Last yr at this time we made a decision to go with bare basics on phone.

25.00 a month is our bill We use calling cards on long distance. There are tricks with them too so I can make one last months for 5.00. :)

Electric 65.00 a month. We really started a family wide effort to watch our usuage.

Internet 7.99 a month dial up . Works for me. :) i can use 3-4 window and get it all done just like broadband. Simple is easy

Winterize the house is a big one. I can winterize the house and save one oil fill up a yr by keep at it. Proved this to my wife one winter on her dime. Nice to give use the money than the oil people. :) Was able to get black out curtains and new wool blankets , new plastic and reusable trim for plastic last yr. :)
Year before with oil thru the room I got a new woodstove with my savings and not locking in. :)

Now with the wood stove near complete. I hope to save on one more fill up and use that saving for a solar project or lamb project. :)

At this time of yr we always look back and ask ourselves was this yr better than last and I have to say honestly it always gets better.

I grew up poor so bad times now are nothing like when I was a kid. It's all about survival and situational awareness. :) O...... and being self sufficient too :) GOOOOO CHICKENS!!!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
There are tricks with them too so I can make one last months for 5.00.

can you tell me the trick?


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
It's not a big one but usually you have 2 options to use no connection and connection fee numbers. I use the no fee number or this connection. You also have to have a list of friends and family that are willing to accept your phone calls this way. I don't call anyone long distance but my family so they are cool with how use this. Usually for 5.00 you get 84 minutes or so. I usually call them on the no fee number and have them and ask for them to give me a call. I can do this about 80 times with these cards. I can make a card last up to 2 months. It's no big trick but it is being frugal. My family knows I am really being frugal in these times. Most people have long distance calling plans so calling me has no charge to them except there normall phone bill. Just how I use it. By doing and using this card this way I save 30.oo a month by not having long distance.

I believe phones should only be 10.00 a month flat rate nation wide. Just my thoughts and feelings. Don Hope it helps or works for you.

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