That's pretty good! (Unless there were only 2 groups preforming. ) I saw a scarlet tanager today! I was so happy. Wasn't sure at first if it was one or not, but I checked my bird book when I got home and it was!
Beautiful! I gave that one a google, and it's a pretty striking lil' thing. The only really colourful birds round these parts are the parrots, aside from that most are black or grey or dark blue or something.
Today, saw pigeons lying down on the ground beneath some trees having some time out. It was slightly amusing. From a distance, the birds looked a little like very small dogs
Oh, bother.
I think it's important for all folks to have something cool they can chill out doing when everything else becomes hectic.
Random piece of non-advice for the day.
Saw no cool birds today at all. Probably because I've been inside all day, but usually there is a specimen or two lurking round in the trees outside
Sounds nice! I fail at canoeing, I remember the good old days of going on organised camps and capsizing multiple times The only thing I seemed to be able to master without encounters with icy water was a catamaran.