I often make a second pot of tea from the leaves in the first pot - as you say, nice and thrifty . I'm afraid thought that one (or even two) tea bushes probably would not cover my needs - and I never have found green tea to be a good substitute for a good, strong, Irish Breakfast type. I live just over the mountains from you, Britesea, and so might find growing tea a tad easier than you would - but only a tad I'm not too worried - I like my tea, but ... when its gone, its gone. I will mourn its loss, and turn to mint, and other things from the garden ... with regret, mind you, but I'll get over it . But I worry about those I know with a strong coffee addiction.Britesea said:You could try growing Camellia sinensis (tea plant), although if you live in a cold climate it will have to live indoors or greenhouse. The fermentation process to make black tea might be too much trouble, but green tea is simply a matter of drying the leaves. One old chinese fella I knew told me that he could reuse the same green leaves (he got them as whole leaf) for pots of tea all day long-- sounds nice and thrifty!
Might be a little harder to grow coffee- I suspect you would need more than one tree to make a decent amount of coffee.