We don't have a much of a HOA here, but I visited with the neighbors a few days ago, and was quizzed about why I removed the bush out in front of the house. I told her point blank that I considered it an ugly and useless plant, that I considered most landscaping plants ugly and useless, and that I would put in something useful, edible and just as if not more beautiful.
I am not a SQUARE, and I'm not COMMON, and I want everyone to know it. If they don't like that, they can...you know...do something rude and not suitable for mention here.
this should be fought. no one should truly tell you not to plant a veggie in the front yard....bad enough they don't want old car wrecks, rusted dryers and refrigs in the front yard but a mater plant?
this should be easy to fight I believe....the use of the word 'suitable' is so open I can't see them not winning and changing the zoning or policy.
I also posted a link to my Facebook page asking that my friends there sign the petition too. If you have facebook pages, or feel like sending a few emails, you all might want to share the link.
Thank you guys! If you have the time, they are requesting letters to be written to the mayor, city planner, etc. The link to their info is on her blog http://oakparkhatesveggies.wordpress.com/ You guys are awesome!
I just feel like this one woman's fight is a fight for us all. If one garden is taken, that opens the door to take everyone else's.
It was immensely satisfying to go back today to look at the petition, and see that it had jumped from over 500 signatures to over 4,000 signatures OVERNIGHT! If it continues at this rate, they'll have they're 10K signatures in no time!