Obama finally called them out


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I hope you can keep it off
Over 2 years so far. Since I am over 40...46 to be exact...I may not lose that last 20 pounds. No worries. Since I now know what causes the weight gain (foods that spike blood sugar which leads to excess insulin, etc...), if I do gain a bunch of it back, it will be nobodies fault but my own (barring any thyroid weirdness that is :D)

I do not equate weight loss in your 20's with weight loss in your 40's. I was relatively skinny in my 20's because I ate like crap, didn't sleep and partied all the time. I was thin but not HEALTHY at ALL. Now I am healthy, but not yet skinny. Big difference.
Jan 24, 2009
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sylvie said:
Hey Big Daddy, nice new avatar! Are you in there somewhere?

I don't find eating as healthy as I'd like to be all that affordable. I have to fore go somethings to have fresh fruit and vegetables in winter.
If demand for the foods that comprise a healthier diet rises so will the prices for those foods. I jokingly tell people who observe my food choices that I am not an activist, don't want others converting to my lifestyle and raising my prices. :p
I'm the old fart in the blue shirt 2nd from the left top row, that's my 17 yr old son on my right and my dw on my left, then my 21 yr old daughter on my wifes left. Those are our bio kids. Front row from tallest to shortest is Whitney 14. Marissa 12, David 9. Anni 6, Mikey 6, Anni is hiding. They are our 5 Adoptees. We also have a daughter who is 33 that lives in Padre Island. She is from my wifes 1st marriage.

Eating healthy is very expensive. All our kids love fruit. We are trying to grow trees on our property but so far it has been a bust. It's so windy the blossoms blow off. Next year we're going to try some netting. With the exception of our quasi green house our garden has been a bust for 5 years. Our backs aren't up to the weeding and we just can't bring ourselves to enslave all the kids for weed pulling. Next year we are going to have 4 planter boxes 4x8 and 3ft high. I'm already in the process of building them. If Lori can't keep them weeded then she doesn't get any more gardens. I'll help but I work some long hours. The greenhouse has turned out about 150lbs of tomatoes so far this year. There looks to be about another 100 or so left. Lori is doing a lot of canning. At least we save money on tomato products, eggs and chicken. Now if I can figure out a way to get the horses to do something.

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
The broad brush is frequently applied to soial causes in both directions- when someone more services for the poor, they trot out some one who really has problems, or has tried, as their example.

The difference is that I believe that people who want to succeed and put effort into it should have the freedom to get there. Many times I have seen people, given the opportunity to find something better, succeed at it because they knew that something else better was out there. People who work, and work hard, should enjoy the fruits of those labors. They earned their reward.

However, I have seen many to many people who, if given an opportunity to work, will find a way to make it not happen. Time and time again. All they while saying how much they would prefer to be working.

My point is that a surprising number of people live lives of a mindless soap opera. And like doing it even if they don't want the consquences of that choice.

As I don't want poverty to cause a knee-jeck reaction to throw money at it, which can not possible be a solution and never has been, I want those who get up every day to support themselves and their families to be honored and respected- out loud and frequently. They should be made the model so that everyone can see there is a way to earn societies respect.

It seems now that person that can"t get it right is held up as an example of society's fault- never of their own. How can any child learn what is right if those who carry work are considered, if at all, as a source of jokes and taxes? Why get up and work, which is hard, if all you get is dumped on by those whose livelihoods comes from nation breast beating? If is much easier to blame someone else for the result of your choices.

Power to the people who work!


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Eating healthy is very expensive. All our kids love fruit
Most fruit isn't that healthy. It's mostly sugar unless you are talking berries. I do have grape vines though I only eat a little at a time. I just frozen several gallons today. I don't get much fruit from my trees either...mainly because of the evil tree rats (aka squirrels).

I buy my veggies at the farmer's market once a week. We eat a lot of chili peppers, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. The rest of our diet is meat, eggs, dairy and some nuts. I use my freezer to stock up on sale meat. Around thanksgiving turkeys get really cheap so I buy 5 or 6 of them. Sometimes, if I have the money, I will go in with a friend on the purchase of a buffalo.

For eggs, I have ducks. 2 are laying so far. 3 more should start within the next month. I would use them for meat too if they weren't so darn cute :D


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Aw, geez, here we go with fruits and sugars and Wifezilla :lol:

(someone needs to tell her tomatoes and other 'veggies' are actually fruit)

((don't hit me, Wifezilla!))

Changing America's eating habits isn't hard, they did it very easily in the late 60's on when they got us on the corn feed with the high frutose garbage, the partially hydrogenated malarkey, and all the other crap they've come up with to 'feed' us. I know people are becoming aware, the defensive HFCS ads in the cooking magazine are evidence that big-ag is feeling threatened. We need to keep up the pressure.

Advertisements absolutely can lead people to better choices. It's been proven to lead them to the worst!

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
Part of the problem, beside the basic feels-good-so-do-it- ness of people, is that so much is hidden as little is local now.
I bought some of those new 100% whole wheat skinny buns for the sake of ease- I had read most of the label before I bought them. When I got them home, the thought that the lady buying some next to me and on whose recommendation I bought mine, had said something about them lasting so long without molding.
I didn't really registered that at the time but boy did it keep bothering me. So I re-read the label alllll the way to the bottom. The last item was sucrlose- Splenda for pete's sake- something a definite no-no for me. Some other things were not good at the bottom of the list either.
That is why I should make my own as much as possible- the point of these products is to make it easy and taste good and hide the reason why. Grrrr............:rant


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Hopefully more will change the eating habits and the new insureds when going to the Dr. will be educated on eating, diabetes, obesity and all that stuff. Maybe new insurance for people who never had it before under the new plan, would be the stepping stone for starting a new way of eating and living in this nation....never know what that baby step might be to push a population into change!

There will be hard works and suckers off the system.

It will never change. Even in the good old days, most people worked their tail off and were proud of it, even if little was actually acquired thru that hard work. BUT there were tons of slackers also.

At some point WE all know we must take care of those that can't (and sometimes won't)

It is hard to have welfare, food stamps, etc. without having the good and the bad in the system. Hard truly to weed them out (and WOW I wish they could control that fraud and ALL!!!)-----but again, we can't hurt many who need cause some take.

The nation has to take care of itself as a whole without so much discrimination. It is hard, I grit my teeth big time at alot of these programs and the waste and slackers----but we need these programs.

Just be prepared to pay a little more in taxes, state taxes, sales taxes, etc. Prices only go up in the future, they sure are not going to crash back down to the old prices of yesteryear.

While we all know we need the change---how to do it is the question.

I still am more than willing to see what Obama puts on the table. I want to see for real what is being offered and how it will work. I think we need radical change. And if we are wrong, at least we know and can again move forward. If we do nothing we are in monster trouble, if we do something and find ourselves in trouble, oh well...what's new?


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Yes RB..I am aware that a tomato is a fruit :gig

I cup of tomato
32 calories
0.4 grams of fat
7.1g carbohydrates (sugar)
1.6g protein

1 cup of bananas
134 calories
0.5 grams of fat
34.3g carbohydrates (sugar)
1.6g protein

See the difference? The tomato has some sugar but it is not LOADED with sugar like the banana.

Hopefully more will change the eating habits and the new insureds when going to the Dr. will be educated on eating, diabetes, obesity and all that stuff.
Are you seriously kidding me? Most of the information coming from a majority of doctors makes the problems WORSE! Doctors get about an hour of nutritional training. The rest of their information comes from drug companies and food manufacturers.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Ya gotta love what they feed you when you're in the hospital. Nutrition? Not hardly. I will say, the food was tasty, but woe be anyone who wanted to really what what they ate.

Urban Farms

Power Conserver
Jul 27, 2009
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I watched the whole thing I think that it was the greatest speech ever

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