October Crazy-Hip Replacement


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
BJ has been going nuts. Today I had a task that he could help with. There was a rotten post at the Sheep barn that 2 gates latched on to close them. So he removed the staples that fastened the cow panel to it. Without the cow panel to hold it up, the post fell over. I got post hole diggers and dug a hole, dropped the new post in. We put dirt in the hole and a little water. BJ tamped it in.


We attached the chains for each gate, closed the gates and latched the gates.

Then he helped me with the creep feeder I was building.


I cut a hole in the front wide enough for the lambs. I caught both of them and pushed them through the hole. They tried to find a way out found the Feed and chowed down.


The ewes smelled the Feed and tried to get in too. Silly girls!


BJ was so happy to be back outside working and being useful. We had a good day. BJ is back.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I have made the decision to have my knee surgery next fall. That gives me the spring and summer to raise feeder pigs, Cornish Cross Dirty Birdies, the garden and wind them down, sell, can, pack in the freezer and get it all down to a more manageable level for BJ to cut my slack while I recover. I'm ready to deal with this danged knee and get on with life. Thanks to Carson and Trip in January, they slammed into the back of my knee at warp speed with 225 pounds of brute force, and I did an immediate face plant in the dirt howling with pain. They were delighted, thinking I wanted to play, they jumped and drooled all over me until I could use Trip to push up on and crawl to the gate. I couldn't walk for about a week, but they knocked the knee joint forward and somehow, that relieved the pain I've been living with. Weird, huh? Anyway, I'll be using the upcoming year to do what I do, and prepare for being down for awhile. Then I'll be up and going again. There will be no stopping me.

I put off knee surgery for over 5 years. But was such a relief when I finally had it done. I was awake the whole time watching it on a monitor. Basicly I whacked my knee cap on something and a bone chip from the backside of the cap broke off and go lodged in my knee joint. Doc said I fractured my knee cap but it healed amazingly well and he scraped the inside of it smooth for me while he was in there, what a nice guy.

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