Wild Hare
"How can I do all this frugal stuff and still be spending so much money?" 
I analyzed my spending patterns. I shop wisely online and TERRIBLY in person! Especially transactions under $40 and those at thrift stores. Thrift stores = not thrifty for me.
My goal is grocery bill of $116/month for family of 4 ($100/month for local grocery, $55 every 3 months for online order which is $50 minimum for free shipping), plus not buying household and hygiene items for 4 months. and 2017 is the year of no thrift store shopping.
Good thing I love online shopping.

I analyzed my spending patterns. I shop wisely online and TERRIBLY in person! Especially transactions under $40 and those at thrift stores. Thrift stores = not thrifty for me.
My goal is grocery bill of $116/month for family of 4 ($100/month for local grocery, $55 every 3 months for online order which is $50 minimum for free shipping), plus not buying household and hygiene items for 4 months. and 2017 is the year of no thrift store shopping.

Good thing I love online shopping.