Yard Farmer
I'm not sure if "favorite" is an accurate title, but the one that stuck with me recently was "poop soup".
I shout this at my goats and poultry all the time.get out there and free range 'cuz its free!
she's faking it
complained to management about the bad service
great googley moogley its cold out there! its like... snot freezing cold.
Dudes. (note: under duress i revert to west coast slang)
i got a lard inflicted injury today. can you believe it?
Me (holds out hand to show my hubby): dude. they got me.
The Big Man: holy cow!!!
me: its just a flesh wound (i've always wanted to say that)
TBM: seriously - how'd you do that?
me: on the lard
TBM: but lard isnt sharp!
me: but its kinda slippery
TBM: do you require medical attention?
me: nope i poured tequila on it. (beats chest) i'm good.
Duck wrestling is not as easy as it sounds.