When do your kids go back to school? DD and hubby want to go to Cedar Point, but want the US kids to be back in school so the line ups will be smaller. thatway they gat more for their money!!!
Sept 6th in Maine for us. After the Blue Hill Fair. Not that we care about the fair. we afre holding out for the Unity Common Ground Fair Sept 23,24,25 . A much nicer and cleaner fair. http://www.mofga.org/TheFair/tabid/135/Default.aspx We plan on sleeping over in tents the 2 nights.
Thanks!!!! DH and DD love Cedar point, and when they go after the american kids are back in school, wait times for rides are cut down from over and hour per ride to about 10-15 minutes, if that. So they get alot more thrills. Our kids don't go back to school until after Labour Day weekend. It is fast approaching. I still don't know if I am happy or sad about that. I think it is a combo of both. While I love them home, it is nice to get back to my routine, and they are ready to go back too.