ha! glenolam - we say that all the time "shake a little Pepper on it"
but hee hee hee.... we have a cat named Pepper so inevitably some grabs her and gives pretends she is a pepper shaker... (note: no cats were harmed in this little anecdote)
we also do this whenever we hear someone say they need a cat scan - we think we are hilarious!
I can't look - y'all aren't showing off those boobies are you? OMG, I can't even imagine being in the same vehicle with all of you going on a road trip. First it would be, "Stop! Don't make me laugh! I peed my pants!". Then it would be, "Are we there yet?" Then, "She's touching me. Make her stop touching me". And last, but not least, "Can we stop, I've got to pee." or, "I'm hungry!" And all that's before we get out of the driveway.
I love the little spider-goat in the front of that photo (look again, you'll see it)
We finally got dumped on in the middle of the night - let's just say the ducks are very happy this morning I saw it coming on the radar last night so I took a Unisom and slept through it.
Daffodils are a'bloomin I'm going out soon to take a photo before they get snowed on.