Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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:pop :caf And, when can I expect to see you on your bicycle in NJ?


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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the air was filled with the thunder of a hundred paws and claws tearing the ground as the great company raced across the field. they were hard charging their way to the final holdout of the Insect Insurgents.

OFG, called to her front ranks, her most trusted personal guard, urging them on: hold the line! stay with me! hold the line!

her confidence and hard, battle worn face belied her worry. it had been days since they saw Lucky drug away by the cursed bugs. they couldnt find her second in command anywhere - she had sent out her best scouts. none had returned. her hunters could track a falcon on a cloudy day. they could not find Lucky. a look of concern crossed OFG's face but she controlled her emotions when she caught Col Ti's cold stare. he was right, this was no time for weakness.

her shoulder groaned under the weight of the constant battle. a scar crawled down her leg and a bandage covered another wound on her fighting hand. fell deed had been awakened, her wrath had been unending, ruin would be her legacy for these...these... "farm enders"... these demon bugs...they are an army unlike any other, crusading across the county in search of the promised land... a garden of fresh, young unpicked green beans. when they destroyed one garden the moved onto the next.

the warriors spread out in a mighty fan, the battle line would hold. it had to - the farm depended on it. each warrior was carefully chosen for their steadfastness in battle, each trained and tested, each fearsome, bold. each readying themselves to see what grotesque spectacle they would find over that hill.... what horrible demons had been coughed up from the darkest reaches of the insect empire. they neared the top of the hill.

Col Ti's eyes were wild with battle lust, his war cry was loud and long as he raced to stay by OFG's right side. on her left, the standard bearer, an old war wizened veteran hen, Franhilde, was mounted on Nibbles and proudly held aloft the battle flag - an image of a fox and an axe on a blood red background.

OFG's voice carried over the mighty sound of the charge as she cried to her men: To victory! To farm victory!! If you find yourself alone grazing in green fields with the sun on
your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Valhalla and you're already dead! Brothers! what we do in life echos in eternity!

the air was filled with ruckus laughter and a great huzzah! the warriors leaned further forward, pressing on to the fight. they would fight for her. they would die for her, for their captain, for their king - for the farm.

just as they crested the hill OFG pulled her mount up short and bellowed, FULL STOP!

TurkZilla danced and flapped trying to keep from spilling his liege, but OFG skillfully lept free and tossed the reins to a waiting page. the back ranks were still crying "forward! on! on!" and so the hens crashed into the ducks, who fell forward into the geese, who bonked into the turkeys...who werent about to fall beak first into the goats.

Col Ti barked orders to form up the ranks as he shouldered his way forward: "Sir? What...." he followed OFG's gaze and took up the same, opened mouth, head cocked to the side look trying to make sense of what they were seeing. he blinked and shook his head... "Sir?"

OFG shook off her war cloak and shield and took a hesitant step forward.

there in front of them was an elegantly set table - half the size as normal furniture, in fact it was child sized. the linens were crisp, the setting sterling, and teapot a handsome blue willow pattern. at the table sat Kai and Lucky, sipping tea and quietly chatting.

Col Ti, angrily strode forward: what the... Lucky! Attn-hut

instinctively Lucky jumped to his feet, spilling the tea in his lap and...unfortunately the chair was a bit small and was stuck on his bottom. trying to free himself he turned quickly and knocked into the table. some of the younger hens rushed forward and began pulling on the chair. at last it was free but the jolt sent the hens and the chair falling backward in a tumble...and Lucky sprawling forward, right at OFG's feet.

OFG: on your feet, son.
Lucky: Sir yes, Sir!

he scrambled to his feet, desperately snapping a salute.

OFG: whats that on your head?
Lucky: well, Sir, its..a....its some kind of princess hat, i believe.

both OFG and Col Ti looked at him quizzically.

Kai, still at the table trying to mop up the spilled tea with a frilly napkin, said loudly with irritation - and a cheeky coyness that got under OFG's skin: its a ti-ar-a

both OFG and Col Ti looked at her quizzically.

Col Ti, leaned in close to Lucky and growled: you're not in uniform, soldier, now take that thing off your head and fall in line!

OFG started forward toward the pup - who was nervously fidgeting at the table.

OFG: Kai, whats going on here?

from behind, Lucky called: she wouldnt get me loose unless i promised to have a tea party with her!

OFG turned a cold look toward Lucky - which instantly silenced him.

OFG leaned down to be at eye level with a very-ashamed-of-herself-pup. all of a sudden Kai spilled out her confession: well you wouldn't let me be a princess and so i ran
away! then i found Lucky. and now we are having a tea party.

OFG could not believe that her young pup, who refused to take part in battle, found her missing Lieutenant. alone. in this hostile land. this one young pup did what her army could not.

OFG: you found Lucky yourself?
Kai: uh-huh.... i followed my nose.
OFG: you have a good nose, honey. no one else could find him. but.... where are the bugs?
Kai: dem bugs flew away! da eagles came.
OFG: what eagles honey? there's no eagles.
Kai, pointing: up there - those eagles.
OFG: oh no, honey - those are barn swallows.
Kai, laughing: well they sure swallowed those bugs! then the rest of dem bugs went over to the bad neighbors - over there.
OFG: to the bad neighbors?
Kai: yep! he's always firing off his gun and he scares the eagles.. i mean them barn swallows so all da bugs went over there.

OFG, agog: i see. (turning her head slightly back towards the troops, but her eyes still fixed on Kai) Col Ti - move these men out. we're going back to base - it looks like this Insect Insurgence has been neutralized.

in the background Co Ti issued orders, dressed the lines, and the marching cadence began to beat. the troops moved slowly back toward the barnyard.

OFG took Kai by the paw and started to lead her back home.

Kai: Momma?
OFG: yes honey?
Kai: can i be a princess now?
OFG: yes sweetheart, you can be a princess now. i'm glad you found Lucky.
Kai: me too!

Kai skipped and hopped alongside OFG, shaking her pom-pom tail and dancing along into the sunset.

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