Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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today's arrival showed up right on time! thats right. i think we are up to 14 chicks - all one or two days apart! ha!

i kinda wish i could line them all up and take a pic - kinda like those time lapse ones. hee hee hee

and we moved them from the brooder into a baby pool. there was a lot of peeping.

looks like we got a break in the weather - we got big storms yesterday afternoon and now the cool, less humid air is here!

today's agenda is:

* watching the carnage when the markets open
* weeding
* taking up the garlic
* more fall planting

and depending on the carnage.... putting more eggs in the incubator.

hold on to your hats - today could be an interesting day in the world!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Wow, ofg, I'll be leaving my 'bator plugged in a lot longer next time! How are the new ones doing, getting put in with two week old chicks? Fine, it seems....good to know!


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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oh hey baby!

i was just over lookin' at your bacon. ha!

actually they are doing fine. i thought they'd have problems - but Little Baldy (who is totally healing) is their leader and everyone is kept in line.

it seems the "about the same age" chicks tend to hang out together. but the new one from yesterday did just fine. i put him in the brooder and - after an initial period of complete shock - he started poppin' around like the rest of them. the only way i could tell him apart was that some of his feathers were still sticky - but he was up and about just fine. if anything the older chicks make the new ones more vigorous.

this is definitely not the way to go... but i'm glad it worked. if we hadnt intervened we wouldnt have had this new batch. i think there are probably 2 or 3 left... i know there are some bad eggs....but then i think the new guy (from today) came from an egg that i had doubts about.

and the outside chicks are doing great - i'm going to have to start integrating them with the laying hens. at some point we need our basement back and need to get all these little peeping friends outside!

plus the cats are being slowing driven crazy....ha!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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It is not less humid here yet :/ Totally soggy from all the stinkin' rain. But tomorrow and beyond looks very promising :weee

I saw a Nigerian buckling for sale that is super-cute and from my hometown. If it wasn't still so wet here I would totally run up to Lima and get him.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm so glad you are getting a break from the weather finally. Our weatherman this morning predicted we will have NO days over 90 degrees this whole summer. That hasn't happened before. I've never seen them make a prediction for the "summer" like that either. I did heave a sigh of relief that I won't have to endure any super hot weather especially with the bunnies.

I was thinking about you this morning....I saw I ran out of dog food and won't have any except a small amount until tonight and the dogs were not fed. I also couldn't find a container to store the goats milk in this morning. I need to make cheese today so everything is full, full, full of milk.

I look down at the floor at the nice flat dog food bowl and think....ah HA! If OFG can feed goat milk to her pigs, I can soak that dog food in it and feed my DOGS.

Dee Dee, Anika, Raider, Bindi Jo and of course Bandit send you thanks and praise. They are turning my computer back to your blog whenever I leave the room......they must think you are a good influence......


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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ohmigosh... i'm totally laughing SD - i think we had like 20+ days of 90*+ weather in july!!! golly.

as for today.... java is just right.... the heat started to crank back up and we lost our breeze so i'm out there sweating away. blech. and i'm weeding the prickliest brier patch in the whole world so i'm scratchy too. grrrr!

anyway - yes yes yes!! you'll have some super stanky dog farts but yep - we give our dogs milk all the time. they love it over their kibble for sure. add a couple scrambled eggs and while you'll need a gas mask.... but you'll have some super happy dogs!!!

after chores there are always a lot of "look how good i am" faces - the best behaved gets to lick out the milk bucket (for hens/pigs). but kai usually wins b/c she so darn cute. and because lately Ti has been the velcro dog and has laid at my feet for milking so he's been getting some extra sips too.

ok lemme check the carnage-o-meter... i mean the stock ticker.. ah yes.... total panic and blood in the streets. super. the news should be interesting tonite. tomorrow there will either be a dead cat bounce (not a pretty term) or it will just keep slidin' right on down. we saw the dow down to 6500 before.... dunno if its going to happen again. but wow!

some of my fancy, corporate monkey/high tech friends have been pretty smug about the whole thing. but many of the companies have big govt contracts... i'm not sure they get it that those sales are gonna go away once the budget cuts happens. i'm gonna have a raffle to see who gets to come and live with me. i keep telling them that 'everybody plucks" - scares most of them off but i have a few who think they can do it. including my BFF who's an avid Audubon member. i cant wait for her to see the songbirds that our Shine King of Barncats brings in. hee hee hee hee.

did i ever tell you all about how the MIL blew apart over that? our barncats out there on a murderous rampage against birds? i finally told her (sharply) that it "wasn't her problem to solve" and that Shine's specialty was slow moving field mice. then 2 days later he came strutting into the barn with a cardinal hanging out of his mouth. we laughed a lot. and no we didnt tell the MIL but its become one of our favorite jokes. sigh.....


i'm gonna go and yell at the hens to start crankin' out the eggs! see? i can "print my own currency" too! just need to hatch more chicks! zoikes!



Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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Ugh. I have to go to work in an hour. I'm sure all the customers will have lost their minds.

"I'm disconnecting. If I have internet in the house, I have to see the news"....


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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i'm gonna have a raffle to see who gets to come and live with me.
Abi and I would each like to purchase a raffle ticket please. Do you still take dollars?


Hubby told a customer today "I'm sorry, we no longer accept US dollars. All payments must be made in chickens, beans, ammo or gold."


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
ha! you and Abi can march yourselves right on in and to the front of the line. feel free to shoulder your way past the folks who are complaining about how their cell phones dont work, the heat, the dhicken poop, and the laundry on the hillbilly clothes line.

WZ - plz bring your ratty old cat, your husband, a box of quail, and booze - we're lousy with ducks but you know i cant resist a cute little duck-face... so bring them too.

Abi - come as you are - our cat Pepper really needs someone she can talk to!

so here's hilarity... we have another chick on the way out of his pod! hee hee hee this whole thing is totally cracking me up. as soon as i put today's arrival in with the mob i heard more peeping from the incubator! ha! so i put today's arrival back in the 'bator so he can cheer on the new-new one.

what a day....

thank heaven the carnage is over. down over 500 pts the nas is in shambles and my favorite quote was the guy who said "there's no reason to own stocks now." whooot! keep chummin' the water, pal. these chickens i got will be worth their weight in gold.

its a crazy world. someone oughta sell tickets


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