Mountain Sage
I'd have to give a good, resounding "Amen, sister!" to that! 

I'm sorry but I cannot let this go on.Homesteadmom said:Again he is the first African American to be elected becasue he was born in Kenya(thereby not eligible to be president legally). But as to the first black president he is far from. Go to & click on your 5 black presidents, Lincoln, Taft, Harding, Coolidge all had black ancestor's. They also mention Jefferson but his was his children he had with the black servant lady he fell in love with.hoosier girl said:I found one statement I heard (a few weeks ago) to be pretty profound and it has really stuck with me. In a televised interview, an elderly African American lady made the comment that she has lived through the era of segregation to an African American person being elected to lead our nation. Regardless of your political views, that is pretty incredible for that much change to occur within one life time.
I had absolutely no desire to watch it & turn off just about anythig & everything they show about him right now a it is still just "rock star-savior" garbage that is being shown.
Jefferson made a comment once that "as a Christain nation we have a responsibilty to elect Christain leaders", boy would he be turning over in his grave to know this country was stupid enough to elect a Muslim as president.
And another thing that irritates me is Bush said positive things about Obama taking over & Obama still makes negative comments about Bush in his speeches! And for the crowd to boo Bush was just disrespect at it's finest in this country. I guess I am the exact opposite of Michelle & this is the first time in my life that I am ashamed of my fellow citizens. Not of my country I love my country & always will, I am ashamed that so many people in this country could be hoodwinked like they were by him & his camp.
I did not say you called anyone an Obama lover. I was trying to keep myself from being called one after my post.Homesteadmom said:I did not brand anyone here an "Obama lover". And none of it is a lie thank you very much! Talk about name calling!!!!!
Yes he was born in Kenya, his grandmother "Toot" made that comment before she all of a sudden became so ill & died. Plus the so called "birth certificate" is not a birth certificate at all is a registery of birth that he has for Hawaii. There is a big difference between them.
Yes he is Muslim he states it in one of his books by claiming he will stand with his muslim brothers in times of diversity. My brother read both his books & it is in there.
Can't give you an exact date & time that Jefferson said that I read it a long time ago & it stuck in my brain as something profound one of our founding fathers said. But I believe it would have been during a presidental election he made that comment.
And for the rest check out the link you will find more info there about the past presidents ancestors black links. Lincoln's birth mother was born in Ethiopia, that explains his skin color & his wiry hair. I have no problem that we have a black president, it is all the lies that got him there I have a problem with & a lot of people refuse to believe what the real truth is.